
  • His Resurrection Power Is In You

    8 Apr 2023Thiha Pine
    Where is the good in Good Friday if Jesus had to die? What does the resurrection power mean in our daily lives? 
    His Resurrection Power Is In You
    8 Apr 2023Thiha Pine

    Where is the good in Good Friday if Jesus had to die? What does the resurrection power mean in our daily lives? 

  • Christ, Our Passover

    1 Apr 2023Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu
    "WATERPROOF YOURSELF" This is the Word of the New Year - the Biblical New Year according to the Jewish Calendar. Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu unpacks this Rhema word set against the time we live in and what God is doing and reminds us that we are called to holiness as Sons and Daughters of God.
    Christ, Our Passover
    1 Apr 2023Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu

    "WATERPROOF YOURSELF" This is the Word of the New Year - the Biblical New Year according to the Jewish Calendar. Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu unpacks this Rhema word set against the time we live in and what God is doing and reminds us that we are called to holiness as Sons and Daughters of God.

  • Looking Ahead, Not Behind

    25 Mar 2023Pastor George Annadorai
    2023 marks the beginning of a significant 7-year cycle in God’s timeline. Come hear how to position yourself and what your role is in this divine story!
    Looking Ahead, Not Behind
    25 Mar 2023Pastor George Annadorai

    2023 marks the beginning of a significant 7-year cycle in God’s timeline. Come hear how to position yourself and what your role is in this divine story!

  • Struggled With God

    18 Mar 2023Ken Tanizar
    Are you struggling to relate to, listen, wait upon or find God in your current life situation? Ken Tanizar unveils these powerful lessons from Jacob’s journey in Genesis. Listen and apply them in your life today!
    Struggled With God
    18 Mar 2023Ken Tanizar

    Are you struggling to relate to, listen, wait upon or find God in your current life situation? Ken Tanizar unveils these powerful lessons from Jacob’s journey in Genesis. Listen and apply them in your life today!

  • The Power Of Unity

    4 Mar 2023Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu
    Don't live your Christian life behind a streaming device! Drawing upon Biblical history, Jewish culture and Christian living in 2023, Pastor Gilbert reminds us of the power of unity and God's assured blessing in fellowship.
    The Power Of Unity
    4 Mar 2023Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu

    Don't live your Christian life behind a streaming device! Drawing upon Biblical history, Jewish culture and Christian living in 2023, Pastor Gilbert reminds us of the power of unity and God's assured blessing in fellowship.

  • People Of Distinction

    25 Feb 2023Ken Tanizar
    Hearing God, obeying His voice, claiming His promises. Have you ever been confused? Get clarity and wisdom in this message by Brother Ken Tanizar who sheds light on living as God's people through the Torah and New Testament.
    People Of Distinction
    25 Feb 2023Ken Tanizar

    Hearing God, obeying His voice, claiming His promises. Have you ever been confused? Get clarity and wisdom in this message by Brother Ken Tanizar who sheds light on living as God's people through the Torah and New Testament.

  • Our Father's Business

    18 Feb 2023Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu
    The business of our Father who art in heaven is our business on earth. Learn from Pastor Gilbert what authentic discipleship in church, community and family looks like from a Biblical world view.
    Our Father's Business
    18 Feb 2023Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu

    The business of our Father who art in heaven is our business on earth. Learn from Pastor Gilbert what authentic discipleship in church, community and family looks like from a Biblical world view.

  • Casting Out The Spirit Of Self-Effort

    11 Feb 2023Moses Largado
    Paul warns us in Galatians of the dangers of self-effort in receiving the inheritance and promises of God. Listen to this landmark message by Brother Moses and be renewed in your mind.
    Casting Out The Spirit Of Self-Effort
    11 Feb 2023Moses Largado

    Paul warns us in Galatians of the dangers of self-effort in receiving the inheritance and promises of God. Listen to this landmark message by Brother Moses and be renewed in your mind.

  • What Are God's Desires?

    4 Feb 2023Thiha Pine
    God didnt tell David to build Him a temple, but yet David’s initiative was blessed simply because he knew what was on God’s heart. Let’s find out what were the blessings David received simply because he acted upon God’s desires.
    What Are God's Desires?
    4 Feb 2023Thiha Pine

    God didnt tell David to build Him a temple, but yet David’s initiative was blessed simply because he knew what was on God’s heart. Let’s find out what were the blessings David received simply because he acted upon God’s desires.

  • It Is Finished

    28 Jan 2023Ken Tanizar
    When Jesus cried out "It is finished!" the redemptive work of reuniting us back to the Father was completed. What is our role then in Christian living? Find out in this enlightening message by Brother Ken Tanizar.
    It Is Finished
    28 Jan 2023Ken Tanizar

    When Jesus cried out "It is finished!" the redemptive work of reuniting us back to the Father was completed. What is our role then in Christian living? Find out in this enlightening message by Brother Ken Tanizar.

  • A Family Reunion

    21 Jan 2023Pastor Ray Zhao
    God reveals the secret of family reunion through His commandments. He also longs to see His church, Petra to experience this wonderful blessing. From the inspiration of the three Chinese characters love, blessing and prosperity, God reveals that the source of all blessings comes from Him.
    A Family Reunion
    21 Jan 2023Pastor Ray Zhao

    God reveals the secret of family reunion through His commandments. He also longs to see His church, Petra to experience this wonderful blessing. From the inspiration of the three Chinese characters love, blessing and prosperity, God reveals that the source of all blessings comes from Him.

  • The Last Command Of Jesus

    14 Jan 2023Pastor Christopher Alam
    Be a witness for Jesus Christ - the final command of the Son of God as recorded in Acts 1 and the purpose of why we do church. The importance of the Holy Spirit in this role cannot be overemphasised with Pastor Alam sharing impactful personal and ministry testimonies.
    The Last Command Of Jesus
    14 Jan 2023Pastor Christopher Alam

    Be a witness for Jesus Christ - the final command of the Son of God as recorded in Acts 1 and the purpose of why we do church. The importance of the Holy Spirit in this role cannot be overemphasised with Pastor Alam sharing impactful personal and ministry testimonies.

  • Rebuilding The Temple Vision 2023

    7 Jan 2023Thiha Pine
    In 2023, Petra embarks on the journey of Rebuilding the Temple! This message expounds what this vision means for us a community and how we can begin the journey together.
    Rebuilding The Temple Vision 2023
    7 Jan 2023Thiha Pine

    In 2023, Petra embarks on the journey of Rebuilding the Temple! This message expounds what this vision means for us a community and how we can begin the journey together.

  • The Father's Love

    24 Dec 2022Thiha Pine
    The love of the Father for His children was dramatically displayed in the story of the prodigal son. There is nothing we can or cannot do that will cause the Father to love us any more or lesser. In this Christmas message, we take time to simply return back to the Father’s love for us.
    The Father's Love
    24 Dec 2022Thiha Pine

    The love of the Father for His children was dramatically displayed in the story of the prodigal son. There is nothing we can or cannot do that will cause the Father to love us any more or lesser. In this Christmas message, we take time to simply return back to the Father’s love for us.

  • God Never Abandons You

    17 Dec 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    This pre-Christmas message brings us deep into the Virgin birth and how the love of God is magnified through a baby born out of wedlock. However dire your circumstance is, God never leaves nor forsakes you - and He is in the midst of your situation.
    God Never Abandons You
    17 Dec 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    This pre-Christmas message brings us deep into the Virgin birth and how the love of God is magnified through a baby born out of wedlock. However dire your circumstance is, God never leaves nor forsakes you - and He is in the midst of your situation.

  • What's In Your Hand?

    10 Dec 2022Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu
    The life of Moses - from being a 'somebody' growing up in the Pharoah's palace - to a 'nobody' as a wandering shepherd - absolutely disqualifies him as a leader if viewed through the eyes of man. But in the eyes of God, his disqualifications positioned himself to be used by God.
    What's In Your Hand?
    10 Dec 2022Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu

    The life of Moses - from being a 'somebody' growing up in the Pharoah's palace - to a 'nobody' as a wandering shepherd - absolutely disqualifies him as a leader if viewed through the eyes of man. But in the eyes of God, his disqualifications positioned himself to be used by God.

  • Jesus Our Healer

    3 Dec 2022Pastor Ray Zhao
    How was the bleeding woman in the Gospels healed? Let us re-look at this familiar story and gain some fresh revelation. By understanding it in a deeper way, our faith in Jesus Christ - our healer - is strengthened.
    Jesus Our Healer
    3 Dec 2022Pastor Ray Zhao

    How was the bleeding woman in the Gospels healed? Let us re-look at this familiar story and gain some fresh revelation. By understanding it in a deeper way, our faith in Jesus Christ - our healer - is strengthened.

  • Terminal Versus Relational Thinking

    26 Nov 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Thom S. Rainer in his book SIMPLE CHURCH identified two types of pastors: the Programmer who runs programs for the sake of programs (terminal thinking), whereas the Designer creates a process providing opportunities for spiritual growth (relational thinking). Relational thinking is not restricted to discipleship or church building alone. It can also be used in corporate and personal planning.
    Terminal Versus Relational Thinking
    26 Nov 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Thom S. Rainer in his book SIMPLE CHURCH identified two types of pastors: the Programmer who runs programs for the sake of programs (terminal thinking), whereas the Designer creates a process providing opportunities for spiritual growth (relational thinking). Relational thinking is not restricted to discipleship or church building alone. It can also be used in corporate and personal planning.

  • CROSSROADS: With God All Things Are Possible

    19 Nov 2022Aaron Teo
    God's prompting and leading will transform our lives (if we allow him to). Aaron Teo shares his journey of knowing God through the decades - from his early teen years struggling in school to a successful entrepreneur, father-of-two, and an active member of his church's ministries.
    CROSSROADS: With God All Things Are Possible
    19 Nov 2022Aaron Teo

    God's prompting and leading will transform our lives (if we allow him to). Aaron Teo shares his journey of knowing God through the decades - from his early teen years struggling in school to a successful entrepreneur, father-of-two, and an active member of his church's ministries.

  • Mobilising To Advance The Gospel

    29 Oct 2022Poh Chi Chuan
    The church is made up of everyone who proclaims faith in Jesus Christ and He has commissioned us to share the Gospel till the ends of the earth. Brother Poh Chi Chuan rallies the church (at wide) to remember our assignment and the eternal importance of this mission.
    Mobilising To Advance The Gospel
    29 Oct 2022Poh Chi Chuan

    The church is made up of everyone who proclaims faith in Jesus Christ and He has commissioned us to share the Gospel till the ends of the earth. Brother Poh Chi Chuan rallies the church (at wide) to remember our assignment and the eternal importance of this mission.

  • Two Debtors Lavishly Forgiven Lavishly Love

    22 Oct 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Those times when we feel we are doing good we don't need God that much. The need for God's mercy and grace is when we are in trouble. It is also true that when we are lavishly forgiven, we will lavishly love. Simon's reception for Jesus revealed his inner feeling. How we treat our Lord Jesus reveals the intensity of our gratefulness and appreciation. God knows and others can see.
    Two Debtors Lavishly Forgiven Lavishly Love
    22 Oct 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Those times when we feel we are doing good we don't need God that much. The need for God's mercy and grace is when we are in trouble. It is also true that when we are lavishly forgiven, we will lavishly love. Simon's reception for Jesus revealed his inner feeling. How we treat our Lord Jesus reveals the intensity of our gratefulness and appreciation. God knows and others can see.

  • Same Message But Different Responses

    8 Oct 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    The Word of God is a seed that has life but requires suitable soil conditions to produce a harvest. To realise its potential, the Word of God needs the right condition of our hearts. When our friends and fellow Christians look at our life. they will know what type of soil the seed has sowed into. Today, let’s get our hearts ready for the flourishing of the Word of God.
    Same Message But Different Responses
    8 Oct 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    The Word of God is a seed that has life but requires suitable soil conditions to produce a harvest. To realise its potential, the Word of God needs the right condition of our hearts. When our friends and fellow Christians look at our life. they will know what type of soil the seed has sowed into. Today, let’s get our hearts ready for the flourishing of the Word of God.

  • Essentials of Yom Kippur

    1 Oct 2022Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu
    Yom Kippur, a Jewish feast many have heard of but may be unfamiliar with. Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu of One New Man Asia unveils the heart of God behind Atonement Day and our response as New Testament Christians living in these times.
    Essentials of Yom Kippur
    1 Oct 2022Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu

    Yom Kippur, a Jewish feast many have heard of but may be unfamiliar with. Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu of One New Man Asia unveils the heart of God behind Atonement Day and our response as New Testament Christians living in these times.

  • Biblical Character Series 4 "Gehazi"

    24 Sep 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Covetousness is always lurking silently in and around us. A classic biblical example was Gehazi inheriting Naaman's leprosy due to his greed. This saw prophet Elisha declaring a curse upon Gehazi’s household, sending him into the abyss of hopelessness. Come hear how God’s mercy and love was shown in Gehazi’s life, leading to his restoration.
    Biblical Character Series 4 "Gehazi"
    24 Sep 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Covetousness is always lurking silently in and around us. A classic biblical example was Gehazi inheriting Naaman's leprosy due to his greed. This saw prophet Elisha declaring a curse upon Gehazi’s household, sending him into the abyss of hopelessness. Come hear how God’s mercy and love was shown in Gehazi’s life, leading to his restoration.

  • Biblical Character Series 3 “Naaman”

    17 Sep 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    God does send His Word through appointed helpers along our paths in life. One such mention in the Bible was the healing of Naaman's leprosy. Commanded to dip 7 times in the river Jordan, Naaman’s position and his pride as a commander nearly robbed him of his healing. See why obedience unlocks your pathway to true healing.
    Biblical Character Series 3 “Naaman”
    17 Sep 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    God does send His Word through appointed helpers along our paths in life. One such mention in the Bible was the healing of Naaman's leprosy. Commanded to dip 7 times in the river Jordan, Naaman’s position and his pride as a commander nearly robbed him of his healing. See why obedience unlocks your pathway to true healing.

  • Biblical Character Series 2 “Esther”

    10 Sep 2022Pastor Zhao Rui
    Each of us may face ‘Esther’ moments in life, what would be our response? Let’s find out how Esther seized her Kairos moment and partnered with God to step into her destiny.
    Biblical Character Series 2 “Esther”
    10 Sep 2022Pastor Zhao Rui

    Each of us may face ‘Esther’ moments in life, what would be our response? Let’s find out how Esther seized her Kairos moment and partnered with God to step into her destiny.

  • Biblical Character Series 1 “Naomi”

    3 Sep 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Naomi became bitter and hopeless after the demise of her husband and two sons. She blamed the Lord and told people the Lord has afflicted her. In the midst of her despondency and confusion, she made one right decision and God turned her life around.
    Biblical Character Series 1 “Naomi”
    3 Sep 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Naomi became bitter and hopeless after the demise of her husband and two sons. She blamed the Lord and told people the Lord has afflicted her. In the midst of her despondency and confusion, she made one right decision and God turned her life around.

  • Colossians Series 3 "Preeminence of Christ Demonstrated"

    27 Aug 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    In these chapters, Paul specifically mentioned the family. With the recent announcement of the imminent repealing of Section 377A, the best way to ring-fence our family is to adhere very closely to the teaching of Paul.
    Colossians Series 3 "Preeminence of Christ Demonstrated"
    27 Aug 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    In these chapters, Paul specifically mentioned the family. With the recent announcement of the imminent repealing of Section 377A, the best way to ring-fence our family is to adhere very closely to the teaching of Paul.

  • Revealing Of The Sons Of God

    20 Aug 2022Jacob Sim
    Brother Jacob Sim brings a prophetic message for the season, putting into perspective the unfolding of global events right down to our everyday lives. Make time for this message and discern God’s purpose for the maturing of his children.
    Revealing Of The Sons Of God
    20 Aug 2022Jacob Sim

    Brother Jacob Sim brings a prophetic message for the season, putting into perspective the unfolding of global events right down to our everyday lives. Make time for this message and discern God’s purpose for the maturing of his children.

  • Colossians Series 2 "The Preeminence Of Christ Defended"

    13 Aug 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    The simplicity and purity of the gospel can sometimes bore the church. The lure of something extra like observing strict rules, keeping special days, appealing to angelic elements and practising self-denial do attract the uninitiated. Come and discover how the apostle Paul deals with these challenges.
    Colossians Series 2 "The Preeminence Of Christ Defended"
    13 Aug 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    The simplicity and purity of the gospel can sometimes bore the church. The lure of something extra like observing strict rules, keeping special days, appealing to angelic elements and practising self-denial do attract the uninitiated. Come and discover how the apostle Paul deals with these challenges.

  • Colossians Series 1 "The Preeminence Of Christ Declared"

    6 Aug 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    To many Christians, Jesus is simply their Saviour. But Jesus is also Redeemer, Firstborn over all creation, the Creator and the Image of the invisible God. Understanding these aspects will reorientate our walk with the Lord and bring us into deeper intimacy.
    Colossians Series 1 "The Preeminence Of Christ Declared"
    6 Aug 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    To many Christians, Jesus is simply their Saviour. But Jesus is also Redeemer, Firstborn over all creation, the Creator and the Image of the invisible God. Understanding these aspects will reorientate our walk with the Lord and bring us into deeper intimacy.

  • By The Rhema We Shema

    30 Jul 2022Ken Tanizar
    What does it mean to dwell in the secret place of the Lord? Hear from Brother Ken Tanizar a message on the most important commandment as written in Mark 12:29 and Deuteronomy 6:4. May you receive rich revelations and breakthroughs through this message!
    By The Rhema We Shema
    30 Jul 2022Ken Tanizar

    What does it mean to dwell in the secret place of the Lord? Hear from Brother Ken Tanizar a message on the most important commandment as written in Mark 12:29 and Deuteronomy 6:4. May you receive rich revelations and breakthroughs through this message!

  • 7 Hebrew Words For Praise

    23 Jul 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Our English Old Testament is translated from the Hebrew language. Studying these 7 HEBREW words will open up a new understanding of praise and worship, and enrich your walk with God.
    7 Hebrew Words For Praise
    23 Jul 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Our English Old Testament is translated from the Hebrew language. Studying these 7 HEBREW words will open up a new understanding of praise and worship, and enrich your walk with God.

  • Unlock The Power Of Praise And Worship

    16 Jul 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    In life, we face obstacles, oppression, fear, imminent defeats and bondages. And often, we are victims rather than victors. Come see how praise and worship ushers in God's presence and allow us to overcome the unseen forces at work.
    Unlock The Power Of Praise And Worship
    16 Jul 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    In life, we face obstacles, oppression, fear, imminent defeats and bondages. And often, we are victims rather than victors. Come see how praise and worship ushers in God's presence and allow us to overcome the unseen forces at work.

  • The Kind Of Worshippers The Father Seeks

    9 Jul 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    At the well, Jesus redefined the kind of worship the Father desires for the Samaritan woman. What does it mean to worship God in Spirit and in Truth? Worship to many is construed as men's duty to God but do you know that the Father is actually seeking true worshippers? Come and discover what true worship means.
    The Kind Of Worshippers The Father Seeks
    9 Jul 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    At the well, Jesus redefined the kind of worship the Father desires for the Samaritan woman. What does it mean to worship God in Spirit and in Truth? Worship to many is construed as men's duty to God but do you know that the Father is actually seeking true worshippers? Come and discover what true worship means.

  • The Unanswered Clarion Call

    2 Jul 2022Thiha Pine
    In every generation, God gives a clarion call for His people to rise up to their purposes. Looking through the lives of Abraham, Moses, and Caleb, we glean principles of how we too can rise up to fulfil God’s calling for our generation.
    The Unanswered Clarion Call
    2 Jul 2022Thiha Pine

    In every generation, God gives a clarion call for His people to rise up to their purposes. Looking through the lives of Abraham, Moses, and Caleb, we glean principles of how we too can rise up to fulfil God’s calling for our generation.

  • The Huge Cost Of Unforgiveness

    25 Jun 2022Pastor Lionel Kwik
    Unforgiveness is more than staying bitter or angry. Going deep into our spirit and soul, it compounds the suffering of the individual with time. Pastor Lionel Kwik shares from the Word and his ministry experience the realities of unforgiveness, and how practicing forgiveness can set one free from unnecessary suffering.
    The Huge Cost Of Unforgiveness
    25 Jun 2022Pastor Lionel Kwik

    Unforgiveness is more than staying bitter or angry. Going deep into our spirit and soul, it compounds the suffering of the individual with time. Pastor Lionel Kwik shares from the Word and his ministry experience the realities of unforgiveness, and how practicing forgiveness can set one free from unnecessary suffering.

  • God's Plans For A Strong Family

    18 Jun 2022Poh Chi Chuan
    There is an ongoing agenda to redefine family and marriage. From politics and media to education and popular culture, it is clear things are changing. What is God's plan amidst this and our response in this day and age?
    God's Plans For A Strong Family
    18 Jun 2022Poh Chi Chuan

    There is an ongoing agenda to redefine family and marriage. From politics and media to education and popular culture, it is clear things are changing. What is God's plan amidst this and our response in this day and age?

  • A God-designed Marriage Is A Thriving Marriage

    11 Jun 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Marriage is the oldest institution ordained by God. With time, traditions, and the sinful nature of man, it has eroded. A couple very much desires a perfect marriage. But how can two imperfect persons establish a blissful and ideal marriage? Come discover the keys that will unlock success factors for a blissful and lasting marriage.
    A God-designed Marriage Is A Thriving Marriage
    11 Jun 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Marriage is the oldest institution ordained by God. With time, traditions, and the sinful nature of man, it has eroded. A couple very much desires a perfect marriage. But how can two imperfect persons establish a blissful and ideal marriage? Come discover the keys that will unlock success factors for a blissful and lasting marriage.

  • Shavuot - Word & Spirit

    4 Jun 2022Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu
    The Feasts of the Lord are appointed times by God for a specific reason. Hear from Pastor Gilbert Carthisgasu of One New Man Asia on Shavuot (The Feast of Weeks), one of the 7 Feasts. Discover the cultural and religious significance, God’s promises, and how we as New Testament Christians can live in fulfilment of the Word and Spirit.
    Shavuot - Word & Spirit
    4 Jun 2022Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu

    The Feasts of the Lord are appointed times by God for a specific reason. Hear from Pastor Gilbert Carthisgasu of One New Man Asia on Shavuot (The Feast of Weeks), one of the 7 Feasts. Discover the cultural and religious significance, God’s promises, and how we as New Testament Christians can live in fulfilment of the Word and Spirit.

  • Wake-Up Call

    28 May 2022Glenn Lim
    A breakthrough specialist and transformation coach, Glenn is passionate about empowering youth and releasing them into full potential. Come hear how God has been instrumental in his life from his troubled days to his present day work and ministry.
    Wake-Up Call
    28 May 2022Glenn Lim

    A breakthrough specialist and transformation coach, Glenn is passionate about empowering youth and releasing them into full potential. Come hear how God has been instrumental in his life from his troubled days to his present day work and ministry.

  • CROSSROADS: Knowing God the Father

    14 May 2022Melvin Lim
    CEO and co-founder of PropertyLim Brothers, Melvin did not have it all smooth and rosy when he first entered the property industry as a greenhorn. What (or who) gave him the insights and courage to make the right decisions for today’s success?
    CROSSROADS: Knowing God the Father
    14 May 2022Melvin Lim

    CEO and co-founder of PropertyLim Brothers, Melvin did not have it all smooth and rosy when he first entered the property industry as a greenhorn. What (or who) gave him the insights and courage to make the right decisions for today’s success?

  • Honoring Parents Is Also Honoring God

    7 May 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Is there a time when children need not honour their parents? What's Jesus' view on this subject? Do "bad parents" deserve to be honoured? Find out why some children are not obeying this commandment.
    Honoring Parents Is Also Honoring God
    7 May 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Is there a time when children need not honour their parents? What's Jesus' view on this subject? Do "bad parents" deserve to be honoured? Find out why some children are not obeying this commandment.

  • Psalm Series Part 3 "How To Overcome Depression"

    30 Apr 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Asaph was lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem and the captivity of God's people. He was troubled, he questioned, he lost sleep. He withdrew into his shell and became very quiet. Come and find out how Asaph turned his disappointments and despair into confidence in the Lord.
    Psalm Series Part 3 "How To Overcome Depression"
    30 Apr 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Asaph was lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem and the captivity of God's people. He was troubled, he questioned, he lost sleep. He withdrew into his shell and became very quiet. Come and find out how Asaph turned his disappointments and despair into confidence in the Lord.

  • End Times From The Book Of Daniel

    23 Apr 2022Richard Tay
    As daily news and world affairs become increasingly complex, the concept of an “End Times” does not feel too far away. Brother Richard Tay shares insightful data, timelines, world news weighed on a Biblical perspective through the Book of Daniel. Come listen to what a Christian should do in a time in a time when wars, cryptocurrencies, technology privacy, shifting gender agendas are happening right now.
    End Times From The Book Of Daniel
    23 Apr 2022Richard Tay

    As daily news and world affairs become increasingly complex, the concept of an “End Times” does not feel too far away. Brother Richard Tay shares insightful data, timelines, world news weighed on a Biblical perspective through the Book of Daniel. Come listen to what a Christian should do in a time in a time when wars, cryptocurrencies, technology privacy, shifting gender agendas are happening right now.

  • God Turned The Greatest Evil To Become The Greatest Good

    16 Apr 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    After the Fall of man in the garden of Eden, Satan has not ceased to thwart God's salvation plan for all mankind. When Christ was crucified, the devil thought his evil scheme had succeeded. But he was totally defeated when Christ hung on the cross. Come and find out how all these happened.
    God Turned The Greatest Evil To Become The Greatest Good
    16 Apr 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    After the Fall of man in the garden of Eden, Satan has not ceased to thwart God's salvation plan for all mankind. When Christ was crucified, the devil thought his evil scheme had succeeded. But he was totally defeated when Christ hung on the cross. Come and find out how all these happened.

  • Psalm Series Part 2 “How To Handle Life Burdens”

    9 Apr 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Burdens are respecters of no one. The rich, the poor; the weak, the powerful – no one can escape from it. To deal with life's burdens, some have chosen to escape, some hide, some complain while others groan and moan. King David revealed a more excellent way to handle such a challenge. Listen now.
    Psalm Series Part 2 “How To Handle Life Burdens”
    9 Apr 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Burdens are respecters of no one. The rich, the poor; the weak, the powerful – no one can escape from it. To deal with life's burdens, some have chosen to escape, some hide, some complain while others groan and moan. King David revealed a more excellent way to handle such a challenge. Listen now.

  • Psalm Series Part 1 "The Lord Is Our Shepherd"

    2 Apr 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Psalm 23 is the best-loved, most popular and quoted Psalm. It happens in real and reel life. Do you know that there are four life circumstances when our Shepherd never let us down? Listen and find out for yourself how good our Shepherd is!
    Psalm Series Part 1 "The Lord Is Our Shepherd"
    2 Apr 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Psalm 23 is the best-loved, most popular and quoted Psalm. It happens in real and reel life. Do you know that there are four life circumstances when our Shepherd never let us down? Listen and find out for yourself how good our Shepherd is!

  • God First Part 4 ”Giving To God First"

    26 Mar 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Does God need my money? If the answer is no, then my relationship with God is likely unilateral. While I strongly want His protection, providence and grace—I am not prepared to obey His clear instructions in the Bible as I watch with jealousy how other brethren prosper in the Lord. When giving to God is a real and practical test of faith, one discovers giving is more important than receiving! This message will enlighten you.
    God First Part 4 ”Giving To God First"
    26 Mar 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Does God need my money? If the answer is no, then my relationship with God is likely unilateral. While I strongly want His protection, providence and grace—I am not prepared to obey His clear instructions in the Bible as I watch with jealousy how other brethren prosper in the Lord. When giving to God is a real and practical test of faith, one discovers giving is more important than receiving! This message will enlighten you.

  • The Invisible Race

    19 Mar 2022Pastor Zhao Rui
    Many start the race, but only a few can finish well! Our walk with Lord Jesus is like a marathon of faith. How can we reach the finishing point and gain a reward from above? Let’s encourage one another in this invisible race!
    The Invisible Race
    19 Mar 2022Pastor Zhao Rui

    Many start the race, but only a few can finish well! Our walk with Lord Jesus is like a marathon of faith. How can we reach the finishing point and gain a reward from above? Let’s encourage one another in this invisible race!

  • God First Part 3 "Talking To God"

    12 Mar 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Prayer is often the last resort when all else has failed. If prayer affects the interests of our lives, the devil and God's purpose, how can we pray effectively? Unlock the secrets of answered prayers now.
    God First Part 3 "Talking To God"
    12 Mar 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Prayer is often the last resort when all else has failed. If prayer affects the interests of our lives, the devil and God's purpose, how can we pray effectively? Unlock the secrets of answered prayers now.

  • Rivers of Living Water

    5 Mar 2022Pastor Zhao Rui
    Are you thirsty for the living waters of God? God is doing new things in every season, and it is our choice to align to His will and His timing.  We are a generation assigned to prepare for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. Let’s position ourselves for the greater glory of God to be manifested through each of us in the days ahead!
    Rivers of Living Water
    5 Mar 2022Pastor Zhao Rui

    Are you thirsty for the living waters of God? God is doing new things in every season, and it is our choice to align to His will and His timing.  We are a generation assigned to prepare for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. Let’s position ourselves for the greater glory of God to be manifested through each of us in the days ahead!

  • God First Part 2 "Experiencing God First"

    26 Feb 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Do you have a personal experience of the reality of God's presence and power in your life? Or are you feeding on the faith of others? When we hear amazing and powerful testimonies, we sometimes quietly wish it was our own. Learn how to experience God today!
    God First Part 2 "Experiencing God First"
    26 Feb 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Do you have a personal experience of the reality of God's presence and power in your life? Or are you feeding on the faith of others? When we hear amazing and powerful testimonies, we sometimes quietly wish it was our own. Learn how to experience God today!

  • God First Part 1 "Choosing God First"

    19 Feb 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    The things and names that sit at the top of our mind reveal our priorities and where our hearts are. As Christians, many of us miss out on God's guidance and provision, and His best plan when we do not put Him first in our lives. It is often only when bad situations happen, then do we come to Him. Let’s learn to put God first in our lives and experience the goodness He has for us.
    God First Part 1 "Choosing God First"
    19 Feb 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    The things and names that sit at the top of our mind reveal our priorities and where our hearts are. As Christians, many of us miss out on God's guidance and provision, and His best plan when we do not put Him first in our lives. It is often only when bad situations happen, then do we come to Him. Let’s learn to put God first in our lives and experience the goodness He has for us.

  • The Wind Of Miracle

    12 Feb 2022Pastor Joseph Tan
    God is more than able to answer the needs and prayers of His people. When the wind of miracle blows into our lives, the lives of our families, workplaces, communities and nation, the impossible becomes possible! Come hear how the power of the Holy Spirit makes miracles happen and mighty works become effortless.
    The Wind Of Miracle
    12 Feb 2022Pastor Joseph Tan

    God is more than able to answer the needs and prayers of His people. When the wind of miracle blows into our lives, the lives of our families, workplaces, communities and nation, the impossible becomes possible! Come hear how the power of the Holy Spirit makes miracles happen and mighty works become effortless.

  • The Similarities Between Passover And Chinese New Year

    5 Feb 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Do you know that the earliest Chinese characters, the bone oracle (甲骨文), can explain the story in Genesis? The similarities between the Jewish Passover and Chinese Lunar New Year add weight to the proposition that the ancient Chinese people worship one true God. God loves all the people He created! Come and discover these amazing similarities.
    The Similarities Between Passover And Chinese New Year
    5 Feb 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Do you know that the earliest Chinese characters, the bone oracle (甲骨文), can explain the story in Genesis? The similarities between the Jewish Passover and Chinese Lunar New Year add weight to the proposition that the ancient Chinese people worship one true God. God loves all the people He created! Come and discover these amazing similarities.

  • Book of Jonah Part 4 "When Things Come Before People"

    29 Jan 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    When God spared the Ninevites, Jonah became extremely angry. Why did he pray to die when his ministry reached its pinnacle? This book ends with a big question mark and many readers have walked away no wiser. But in fact, the author of the book has skilfully weaved the answers in. Listen in and see the wisdom of God at work in the book of Jonah.
    Book of Jonah Part 4 "When Things Come Before People"
    29 Jan 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    When God spared the Ninevites, Jonah became extremely angry. Why did he pray to die when his ministry reached its pinnacle? This book ends with a big question mark and many readers have walked away no wiser. But in fact, the author of the book has skilfully weaved the answers in. Listen in and see the wisdom of God at work in the book of Jonah.

  • Book of Jonah Part 3 "When God's Grace Abounds"

    22 Jan 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    No one is beyond redemption and God's grace is sufficient for all. God may make a pronouncement but the final outcome is determined by us – our freewill and our choices. Repentance is not just about confession, it is backed up by corresponding actions. Learn what are wise choices to make now.
    Book of Jonah Part 3 "When God's Grace Abounds"
    22 Jan 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    No one is beyond redemption and God's grace is sufficient for all. God may make a pronouncement but the final outcome is determined by us – our freewill and our choices. Repentance is not just about confession, it is backed up by corresponding actions. Learn what are wise choices to make now.

  • Book of Jonah Part 2 “When Reality Catches Up”

    15 Jan 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    Jonah's passive rebellion had a spiralling effect on his life. From the belly of the ship to the belly of the huge fish and finally to the belly of the sea. Jonah's instinct for survival produced a surprising result but in the end, Man cannot outsmart God. Come discover how Jonah finally managed to escape.
    Book of Jonah Part 2 “When Reality Catches Up”
    15 Jan 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    Jonah's passive rebellion had a spiralling effect on his life. From the belly of the ship to the belly of the huge fish and finally to the belly of the sea. Jonah's instinct for survival produced a surprising result but in the end, Man cannot outsmart God. Come discover how Jonah finally managed to escape.

  • Book Of Jonah Part 1 "When God Intervenes"

    8 Jan 2022Pastor Colin Wong
    God loves us too much to allow us to descent into a spiritual abyss. Jonah heard God's voice clearly but he chose to ignore God. His wilful defiant mirrors our experience when God's call does not fit our liking and perspective. Jonah learned the hard way – and hopefully, we can glean wisdom from his story and avoid his predicament.
    Book Of Jonah Part 1 "When God Intervenes"
    8 Jan 2022Pastor Colin Wong

    God loves us too much to allow us to descent into a spiritual abyss. Jonah heard God's voice clearly but he chose to ignore God. His wilful defiant mirrors our experience when God's call does not fit our liking and perspective. Jonah learned the hard way – and hopefully, we can glean wisdom from his story and avoid his predicament.

  • Refocusing Our Vision And Mission

    1 Jan 2022 Pastor Colin Wong
    Binoculars can help one to see what is normally unseen. But having one does not necessarily help you see things far away. Focusing is the key to getting the results from a pair of binoculars. Helen Keller said, "The only thing worse than being born blind is to be born with sight but with no vision." What is your vision and how do you refocus to stay on the right path?
    Refocusing Our Vision And Mission
    1 Jan 2022 Pastor Colin Wong

    Binoculars can help one to see what is normally unseen. But having one does not necessarily help you see things far away. Focusing is the key to getting the results from a pair of binoculars. Helen Keller said, "The only thing worse than being born blind is to be born with sight but with no vision." What is your vision and how do you refocus to stay on the right path?

  • The True Meaning of Christmas

    25 Dec 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    Christmas demonstrates God's ultimate gift to mankind. The birth of Christ is not a stand alone act. In order to borrow the womb of virgin Mary, God prepared Elizabeth. Angels announced to the shepherds Jesus' grand arrival. Grace is the common thread throughout. Come and taste this grace.
    The True Meaning of Christmas
    25 Dec 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    Christmas demonstrates God's ultimate gift to mankind. The birth of Christ is not a stand alone act. In order to borrow the womb of virgin Mary, God prepared Elizabeth. Angels announced to the shepherds Jesus' grand arrival. Grace is the common thread throughout. Come and taste this grace.

  • Wasted Efforts

    18 Dec 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    We wished we had exercised better judgement when encountering regrets in life. And one of these regrets could be wasted efforts. There are some classic examples in the Bible. God rejected what they sincerely did in the name of devotion, sacrifice and obedience. This message will help us avoid such pitfalls.
    Wasted Efforts
    18 Dec 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    We wished we had exercised better judgement when encountering regrets in life. And one of these regrets could be wasted efforts. There are some classic examples in the Bible. God rejected what they sincerely did in the name of devotion, sacrifice and obedience. This message will help us avoid such pitfalls.

  • Make Room For Your Miracle

    11 Dec 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    The widow's need of an immediate resolution to her pressing troubles lies not on the ability of her God but the size of her faith. Her action or inaction will determine the end result. Oftentimes, God uses the little we still have and multiply it many many times to our amazement. This message helps you to make room for your miracle.
    Make Room For Your Miracle
    11 Dec 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    The widow's need of an immediate resolution to her pressing troubles lies not on the ability of her God but the size of her faith. Her action or inaction will determine the end result. Oftentimes, God uses the little we still have and multiply it many many times to our amazement. This message helps you to make room for your miracle.

  • Why Petra Adopts Happiness Group?

    4 Dec 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    It is a unique evangelistic tool compared with the stand-alone seasonal evangelistic meeting. The strength of Happiness Group: 1) It is team efforts 2) It is a thread concept 3) It is structural and discipline 4) It is a discipleship system After 6 runs by the Chinese Department and 4 runs by the English Department, the total result of pre-believers participation and salvation cases speaks for itself. Petra us continuing to reap the fruits of our labour. You have to taste it to be convinced.
    Why Petra Adopts Happiness Group?
    4 Dec 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    It is a unique evangelistic tool compared with the stand-alone seasonal evangelistic meeting. The strength of Happiness Group: 1) It is team efforts 2) It is a thread concept 3) It is structural and discipline 4) It is a discipleship system After 6 runs by the Chinese Department and 4 runs by the English Department, the total result of pre-believers participation and salvation cases speaks for itself. Petra us continuing to reap the fruits of our labour. You have to taste it to be convinced.

  • “Chill Bro, Let Go and Let God”

    27 Nov 2021Josephus Tan
    Conviction, courage and compassion are three things that Josephus Tan, widely known as a “gangster lawyer”, hold close to his heart. Growing up in a rough neighbourhood of drug addicts and gangsters, he soon became a gangster himself,  involved in gambling, substance abuse and drinking. Through it all, he felt a deep sense of emptiness, not knowing where he was going. However, God always intervened at various critical points in his life, reminding him of His prevailing love and faithfulness for him. This eventually led him to graduate with a law degree from England and set up Invictus Law Corporation, taking on pro bono cases.
    “Chill Bro, Let Go and Let God”
    27 Nov 2021Josephus Tan

    Conviction, courage and compassion are three things that Josephus Tan, widely known as a “gangster lawyer”, hold close to his heart. Growing up in a rough neighbourhood of drug addicts and gangsters, he soon became a gangster himself,  involved in gambling, substance abuse and drinking. Through it all, he felt a deep sense of emptiness, not knowing where he was going. However, God always intervened at various critical points in his life, reminding him of His prevailing love and faithfulness for him. This eventually led him to graduate with a law degree from England and set up Invictus Law Corporation, taking on pro bono cases.

  • A Choice That Changed My Life

    20 Nov 2021Anil David
    Anil David spent 12 years in prison for fraud. It tore his family apart and almost pushed him to the end of himself. His life today is an amazing witness to the power of God to transform and turn around broken people. Nominated for Singaporean of the Year in 2020, Anil's story carries the power of hope and imagination for the potential God put in each of us that can never be destroyed, despite our repeated failures.
    A Choice That Changed My Life
    20 Nov 2021Anil David

    Anil David spent 12 years in prison for fraud. It tore his family apart and almost pushed him to the end of himself. His life today is an amazing witness to the power of God to transform and turn around broken people. Nominated for Singaporean of the Year in 2020, Anil's story carries the power of hope and imagination for the potential God put in each of us that can never be destroyed, despite our repeated failures.

  • A Walk With My Saviour

    13 Nov 2021Christina Tay
    Abandoned by her birth parents and given away three times, Christina grew up as an anxious, insecure and fearful child. To avoid being rejected again and again, she sought divine power to protect her. Everything changed when God entered her life at the age of 14. Thus began a 54-year adventure, as He comforted, guided, trained and moulded her through precious lessons on obedience and submission, identity in Christ, faith and patience, healing, and walking with her Saviour. Listen how God was always right there with her at different crossroads of her life – relationship, career, family, health and ministry – and how He has led her on the path of true abundance in life.
    A Walk With My Saviour
    13 Nov 2021Christina Tay

    Abandoned by her birth parents and given away three times, Christina grew up as an anxious, insecure and fearful child. To avoid being rejected again and again, she sought divine power to protect her. Everything changed when God entered her life at the age of 14. Thus began a 54-year adventure, as He comforted, guided, trained and moulded her through precious lessons on obedience and submission, identity in Christ, faith and patience, healing, and walking with her Saviour. Listen how God was always right there with her at different crossroads of her life – relationship, career, family, health and ministry – and how He has led her on the path of true abundance in life.

  • The Heart of Abba Father

    6 Nov 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    The parable of the prodigal son is primarily not about a son who lost his inheritance but a father who lost his son. He wanted to be a slave but his father would not. How the father sees him is more important than how he sees himself. What he did was never more important than who he is. This message helps to reveal all these truths. We all can live like a son and not a slave!
    The Heart of Abba Father
    6 Nov 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    The parable of the prodigal son is primarily not about a son who lost his inheritance but a father who lost his son. He wanted to be a slave but his father would not. How the father sees him is more important than how he sees himself. What he did was never more important than who he is. This message helps to reveal all these truths. We all can live like a son and not a slave!

  • I Am A Kingdom Builder

    30 Oct 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    God wants to restore the world to His original design. While God’s kingdom is good, it is not fulfilled on the earth yet, but it is His desire. God does not force us, but He wants us to partner Him to realize His plan. Come and discover how you and I can become effective kingdom builders.
    I Am A Kingdom Builder
    30 Oct 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    God wants to restore the world to His original design. While God’s kingdom is good, it is not fulfilled on the earth yet, but it is His desire. God does not force us, but He wants us to partner Him to realize His plan. Come and discover how you and I can become effective kingdom builders.

  • Pursue What Matters

    23 Oct 2021Pastor Alan Tay
    What is the focus of your life? Pastor Alan Tay's message looks at how you can redirect your focus and making the future count in the present. There is a tangible reward God has promised, and we can reset and refine our vision in to align towards this goal.
    Pursue What Matters
    23 Oct 2021Pastor Alan Tay

    What is the focus of your life? Pastor Alan Tay's message looks at how you can redirect your focus and making the future count in the present. There is a tangible reward God has promised, and we can reset and refine our vision in to align towards this goal.

  • I Am Created To Glorify God

    16 Oct 2021
    Our chief obligation in life is not accountability to self, family, career, and society at large. These are essential and important. But our grand obligation is to glorify God. When we are most satisfied in Him, God is most glorified in us. What are the pieces we need to put in place? This message gives you the keys.
    I Am Created To Glorify God
    16 Oct 2021

    Our chief obligation in life is not accountability to self, family, career, and society at large. These are essential and important. But our grand obligation is to glorify God. When we are most satisfied in Him, God is most glorified in us. What are the pieces we need to put in place? This message gives you the keys.

  • Financial Freedom – God's Way

    9 Oct 2021Richard Tay
    The Bible is full of keys to building a foundation to set ourselves up for financial breakthrough. Richard Tay reviews practical aspects of some of the Bible's abundant wisdom on finances, including the love of money, debt, tithes, lifestyle and generosity.
    Financial Freedom – God's Way
    9 Oct 2021Richard Tay

    The Bible is full of keys to building a foundation to set ourselves up for financial breakthrough. Richard Tay reviews practical aspects of some of the Bible's abundant wisdom on finances, including the love of money, debt, tithes, lifestyle and generosity.

  • I Am A Member Of God’s Family

    2 Oct 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    You become a member of your family by your first birth—and by your second birth—you become a member of God’s family. Through the church community, God releases his blessings for His family, blessings such as love, care, grace, compassion, and mercy. In community life, we experience these blessings by interacting with other believers. Don't miss out on God's blessings by choosing to stay isolated or on the sides!
    I Am A Member Of God’s Family
    2 Oct 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    You become a member of your family by your first birth—and by your second birth—you become a member of God’s family. Through the church community, God releases his blessings for His family, blessings such as love, care, grace, compassion, and mercy. In community life, we experience these blessings by interacting with other believers. Don't miss out on God's blessings by choosing to stay isolated or on the sides!

  • Saving Souls Is Wise

    25 Sep 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    Today, many people are drawn to Christianity because some preachers entice with a sugar-coated gospel of prosperity. These messages free you from financial, emotional and physical troubles. The Bible does promise God's children abundant life (John 10:10) and with ensuing responsibilities while living as children of God. Hear what Jesus truly means when He says: "Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19)
    Saving Souls Is Wise
    25 Sep 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    Today, many people are drawn to Christianity because some preachers entice with a sugar-coated gospel of prosperity. These messages free you from financial, emotional and physical troubles. The Bible does promise God's children abundant life (John 10:10) and with ensuing responsibilities while living as children of God. Hear what Jesus truly means when He says: "Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19)

  • Hacking Blocked Goals

    11 Sep 2021Pastor Alan Tay
    Our God is a God of destiny and He has a plan for us as He works towards its fulfilment in our lifetimes as we walk in obedience and faith. Pastor Alan Tay draws from the Word to show us how we can remove hindrances in our lives and prioritise intimacy with God above all, so that what is worthy to God will remain in our lives.
    Hacking Blocked Goals
    11 Sep 2021Pastor Alan Tay

    Our God is a God of destiny and He has a plan for us as He works towards its fulfilment in our lifetimes as we walk in obedience and faith. Pastor Alan Tay draws from the Word to show us how we can remove hindrances in our lives and prioritise intimacy with God above all, so that what is worthy to God will remain in our lives.

  • You Are Worth More Than You Think

    4 Sep 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    We are all born champions, so we should be winners too. Are we? Ps Colin Wong reinforced the truth that we are worth more than what we think and highlighted some obstacles preventing us from walking on the blueprint that God has given to us to become winners.
    You Are Worth More Than You Think
    4 Sep 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    We are all born champions, so we should be winners too. Are we? Ps Colin Wong reinforced the truth that we are worth more than what we think and highlighted some obstacles preventing us from walking on the blueprint that God has given to us to become winners.

  • Presence of God in Holy Communion

    28 Aug 2021Pastor Alan Tay
    Revival is not when a church is filled with people. It is when people are filled with God, His love and His desires. Pastor Alan Tay delves deep into the power and significance of the Holy Communion through the Word and through testimonies of protection and power.
    Presence of God in Holy Communion
    28 Aug 2021Pastor Alan Tay

    Revival is not when a church is filled with people. It is when people are filled with God, His love and His desires. Pastor Alan Tay delves deep into the power and significance of the Holy Communion through the Word and through testimonies of protection and power.

  • Four Time-frames In Your Life

    21 Aug 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    The Past, The Present, The Future, and Eternity – understanding these four timeframes can greatly help align our lives towards the blessings of God. Pastor Colin Wong shows us clearly how the Word of God can guide us in every timeframe and help us make the most of our time on earth for prepare for eternity.
    Four Time-frames In Your Life
    21 Aug 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    The Past, The Present, The Future, and Eternity – understanding these four timeframes can greatly help align our lives towards the blessings of God. Pastor Colin Wong shows us clearly how the Word of God can guide us in every timeframe and help us make the most of our time on earth for prepare for eternity.

  • I Am God's Ambassador

    14 Aug 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    The purpose of our lives is reconciliation, representing God to people and helping them to experience Him. We have each been given responsibility and authority to experience and express reconciliation, our 'core business' and primary mission. Pastor Colin Wong draws us back to the foundational reason for our life on Earth.
    I Am God's Ambassador
    14 Aug 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    The purpose of our lives is reconciliation, representing God to people and helping them to experience Him. We have each been given responsibility and authority to experience and express reconciliation, our 'core business' and primary mission. Pastor Colin Wong draws us back to the foundational reason for our life on Earth.

  • Alive and Aflame - The Transforming Church

    7 Aug 2021Pastor Alan Tay
    Ephesus means “desirable”. The church in Acts was drawing multitudes of people into the kingdom of God. In this last part of the series on church, Ps Alan Tay shared with us what a transforming church looks like and how it can be alive and aflame for God.
    Alive and Aflame - The Transforming Church
    7 Aug 2021Pastor Alan Tay

    Ephesus means “desirable”. The church in Acts was drawing multitudes of people into the kingdom of God. In this last part of the series on church, Ps Alan Tay shared with us what a transforming church looks like and how it can be alive and aflame for God.

  • Shaped To Serve

    24 Jul 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    As sons and daughters of God, we are all called to serve just as how Jesus led by example by washing his disciples' feet. Pastor Colin Wong encourages us to stay faithful in the midst of criticism and adversity, and to continue loving God and our neighbours through practical ways and sharing the Gospel.
    Shaped To Serve
    24 Jul 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    As sons and daughters of God, we are all called to serve just as how Jesus led by example by washing his disciples' feet. Pastor Colin Wong encourages us to stay faithful in the midst of criticism and adversity, and to continue loving God and our neighbours through practical ways and sharing the Gospel.

  • Facing Your Giants - The Trusting Church

    17 Jul 2021Pastor Jason Ong
    In the midst of trials and suffering, Apostle Paul calls us to rejoice and be joyous! Pastor Jason Ong challenges us to trust deeper in God this season and rejoice and remain joyous in the Lord just as scripture reminds us to do so.
    Facing Your Giants - The Trusting Church
    17 Jul 2021Pastor Jason Ong

    In the midst of trials and suffering, Apostle Paul calls us to rejoice and be joyous! Pastor Jason Ong challenges us to trust deeper in God this season and rejoice and remain joyous in the Lord just as scripture reminds us to do so.

  • Emptying Hell - The Witnessing Church

    10 Jul 2021Pastor Alan Tay
    Is witnessing an activity to fear? It need not be. God is the one revealing Himself to the other person, as we share the story of His love for people. As we partner with God, we get a glimpse of what He is already doing in the life of the person He has brought to us. What about hell? Pastor Alan Tay takes us through some of the issues that stop us from witnessing with joy.
    Emptying Hell - The Witnessing Church
    10 Jul 2021Pastor Alan Tay

    Is witnessing an activity to fear? It need not be. God is the one revealing Himself to the other person, as we share the story of His love for people. As we partner with God, we get a glimpse of what He is already doing in the life of the person He has brought to us. What about hell? Pastor Alan Tay takes us through some of the issues that stop us from witnessing with joy.

  • The Church That Jesus Envisioned

    3 Jul 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    Jesus called the church “ecclesia” which is more than just an assembly of people. What is the church Jesus envisioned like?  Ps Colin Wong shared with us some key points on what a church is in this first part series about church.
    The Church That Jesus Envisioned
    3 Jul 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    Jesus called the church “ecclesia” which is more than just an assembly of people. What is the church Jesus envisioned like?  Ps Colin Wong shared with us some key points on what a church is in this first part series about church.

  • Living an Emotionally Healthy Life

    26 Jun 2021Pastor Alan Tay
    We all make mistakes at every age and every season and we also experience the consequences of mistakes made by others in our lives. Pastor Alan Tay shares how an emotionally healthy life is our inheritance in Christ, and how God deeply desires to dissolve our emotional struggles through the power of His love.
    Living an Emotionally Healthy Life
    26 Jun 2021Pastor Alan Tay

    We all make mistakes at every age and every season and we also experience the consequences of mistakes made by others in our lives. Pastor Alan Tay shares how an emotionally healthy life is our inheritance in Christ, and how God deeply desires to dissolve our emotional struggles through the power of His love.

  • Generational Curse

    19 Jun 2021Ken Tanizar
    Even as Christians who are saved, generational influences can continue to block us from experiencing every blessing in Christ the Father has given us. Brother Ken Tanizar shares from his life how bitterness and unforgiveness continued to affect his life even as a saved Christian, and how he received true freedom through of inner healing by the Holy Spirit. Visit and find out more about inner healing via our Restoring The Heart ministry.
    Generational Curse
    19 Jun 2021Ken Tanizar

    Even as Christians who are saved, generational influences can continue to block us from experiencing every blessing in Christ the Father has given us. Brother Ken Tanizar shares from his life how bitterness and unforgiveness continued to affect his life even as a saved Christian, and how he received true freedom through of inner healing by the Holy Spirit. Visit and find out more about inner healing via our Restoring The Heart ministry.

  • Forgiveness Is A Two Way Street

    12 Jun 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    Forgiveness is an essential skill for a life of freedom! Pastor Colin Wong preaches on how to identify and get free from the invisible prison of unforgiveness. Most importantly, he lays down a foundation for the WHY of forgiveness.
    Forgiveness Is A Two Way Street
    12 Jun 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    Forgiveness is an essential skill for a life of freedom! Pastor Colin Wong preaches on how to identify and get free from the invisible prison of unforgiveness. Most importantly, he lays down a foundation for the WHY of forgiveness.

  • Receive the Power of the Holy Spirit

    5 Jun 2021Pastor John Koe
    Are we thriving? Pastor John Koe shares with us the person and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and urges us to lay hold of this power to thrive. In Acts, the disciples waited and received His power; they obeyed and went out to share the good news to known nations then. We too can grasp the Kairos moment to share God's love with others with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
    Receive the Power of the Holy Spirit
    5 Jun 2021Pastor John Koe

    Are we thriving? Pastor John Koe shares with us the person and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and urges us to lay hold of this power to thrive. In Acts, the disciples waited and received His power; they obeyed and went out to share the good news to known nations then. We too can grasp the Kairos moment to share God's love with others with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

  • Build On Solid Foundations

    29 May 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    The strength of our lives comes not from the easily seen, the 'superstructures', but the invisible underneath. There is no shortcut to a solid foundation--you have to put in effort and it is expensive. Pastor Colin Wong revisits the parable of the wise and foolish builders, calling us to build strong personal lives and strong Christian community.
    Build On Solid Foundations
    29 May 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    The strength of our lives comes not from the easily seen, the 'superstructures', but the invisible underneath. There is no shortcut to a solid foundation--you have to put in effort and it is expensive. Pastor Colin Wong revisits the parable of the wise and foolish builders, calling us to build strong personal lives and strong Christian community.

  • Living As God's People

    29 May 2021Pastor Alan Tay
    When we enter into life in Christ, everything changes. We are no longer of the world but yet we remain in the world. Through Identity, Transformation, Mission, Pastor Alan Tay shows us how our new inner life in Christ corresponds to a new outer life lived for the glory of God.
    Living As God's People
    29 May 2021Pastor Alan Tay

    When we enter into life in Christ, everything changes. We are no longer of the world but yet we remain in the world. Through Identity, Transformation, Mission, Pastor Alan Tay shows us how our new inner life in Christ corresponds to a new outer life lived for the glory of God.

  • Your Life Changing Move

    15 May 2021Pastor Alan Tay
    Jesus is a master storyteller, illustrating deep truths about God’s kingdom through parables and teachings. Pastor Alan Tay brings us through Matthew 13, drawing out the infinite value of the Gospel, and challenges us to follow Jesus. Are we prepared to die to ourselves and let Jesus be the Lord of our lives?
    Your Life Changing Move
    15 May 2021Pastor Alan Tay

    Jesus is a master storyteller, illustrating deep truths about God’s kingdom through parables and teachings. Pastor Alan Tay brings us through Matthew 13, drawing out the infinite value of the Gospel, and challenges us to follow Jesus. Are we prepared to die to ourselves and let Jesus be the Lord of our lives?

  • Who Holds My Tomorrow?

    8 May 2021Lucas Chow
    Veteran corporate leader Lucas Chow shares encouraging insights on life, business and faith in Jesus in this engaging interview.
    Who Holds My Tomorrow?
    8 May 2021Lucas Chow

    Veteran corporate leader Lucas Chow shares encouraging insights on life, business and faith in Jesus in this engaging interview.

  • Discovering God's Heart Through Serving

    1 May 2021Dr Goh Wei Leong
    “Abuntu”, an African word meaning “I am because we are”.  Dr Goh Wei Leong was inspired through a humanitarian trip to Mongolia to set up HealthServe to meet the needs of migrant workers.  He shared with us what it meant to be connected to our hearts when we serve with our hands and frame our daily life with biblical framework . We are adopted by God.  Who are we in the core? Are we willing to adopt our community?
    Discovering God's Heart Through Serving
    1 May 2021Dr Goh Wei Leong

    “Abuntu”, an African word meaning “I am because we are”.  Dr Goh Wei Leong was inspired through a humanitarian trip to Mongolia to set up HealthServe to meet the needs of migrant workers.  He shared with us what it meant to be connected to our hearts when we serve with our hands and frame our daily life with biblical framework . We are adopted by God.  Who are we in the core? Are we willing to adopt our community?

  • Living by Fear or Faith

    24 Apr 2021Jason Ong
    In 2004, Jason Ong was diagnosed with endolymphatic sac tumor, a rare form of brain tumour and forced to confront mortality at the prime of his life. Over a decade later, he is a restaurant owner, active in international missions, and continues to battle cancer one day at a time. At the crossroads of cancer, a supernatural visitation from Jesus, and a personal race against time, what keeps him going?
    Living by Fear or Faith
    24 Apr 2021Jason Ong

    In 2004, Jason Ong was diagnosed with endolymphatic sac tumor, a rare form of brain tumour and forced to confront mortality at the prime of his life. Over a decade later, he is a restaurant owner, active in international missions, and continues to battle cancer one day at a time. At the crossroads of cancer, a supernatural visitation from Jesus, and a personal race against time, what keeps him going?

  • Running On Empty: Soul Rest

    17 Apr 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    The demands of life draw on us and our digital world keeps us connected all the time. Are you tired? In Matthew 11, Jesus calls us to spend time with Him, living in unforced rhythms of grace. Pastor Colin Wong puts our lives in perspective, reminding us that our souls need Jesus every day, and even more during this pandemic period.
    Running On Empty: Soul Rest
    17 Apr 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    The demands of life draw on us and our digital world keeps us connected all the time. Are you tired? In Matthew 11, Jesus calls us to spend time with Him, living in unforced rhythms of grace. Pastor Colin Wong puts our lives in perspective, reminding us that our souls need Jesus every day, and even more during this pandemic period.

  • Rising as a Prophetic Community for Kingdom Advancement

    10 Apr 2021Reverend Amos Jayarathnam
    World events indicate this is a time, truly, when so much depends on our ability to hear from and move with God accurately. Dr Jayarathnam brings a message to activate, strengten and encourage the Church to desire and pursue a lifestyle based on hearing God.
    Rising as a Prophetic Community for Kingdom Advancement
    10 Apr 2021Reverend Amos Jayarathnam

    World events indicate this is a time, truly, when so much depends on our ability to hear from and move with God accurately. Dr Jayarathnam brings a message to activate, strengten and encourage the Church to desire and pursue a lifestyle based on hearing God.

  • The Day Death Died

    3 Apr 2021Pastor John Koe
    Are we living the fullness of life that Jesus Christ has restored unto us through His death on the cross? The resurrection is the crux of Christian faith. it changes everything; it killed death. Pastor John Koe reminds us what Jesus Christ has accomplished through his resurrection and what it means to live life in the likeness of his resurrection.
    The Day Death Died
    3 Apr 2021Pastor John Koe

    Are we living the fullness of life that Jesus Christ has restored unto us through His death on the cross? The resurrection is the crux of Christian faith. it changes everything; it killed death. Pastor John Koe reminds us what Jesus Christ has accomplished through his resurrection and what it means to live life in the likeness of his resurrection.

  • Waiting In Hope

    27 Mar 2021Pastor Alan Tay
    Nobody likes waiting, yet life is full of waiting! Perhaps some of us are going through it right now. Pastor Alan exhorts us to remember that God has called us, and reminds us to stay faithful in the wait as God will always come true for His children.
    Waiting In Hope
    27 Mar 2021Pastor Alan Tay

    Nobody likes waiting, yet life is full of waiting! Perhaps some of us are going through it right now. Pastor Alan exhorts us to remember that God has called us, and reminds us to stay faithful in the wait as God will always come true for His children.

  • Aligning For Life In The Promised Land

    20 Mar 2021Jacob Sim
    God greatly desires to see us inherit the Promised Land in our lives. To do so requires alignment, a process that God brings us through. Brother Jacob Sim brings us a word in season, reminding us that God is faithful and for us to keep trusting and obeying Him even in the midst of this pandemic.
    Aligning For Life In The Promised Land
    20 Mar 2021Jacob Sim

    God greatly desires to see us inherit the Promised Land in our lives. To do so requires alignment, a process that God brings us through. Brother Jacob Sim brings us a word in season, reminding us that God is faithful and for us to keep trusting and obeying Him even in the midst of this pandemic.

  • The Promised Land

    13 Mar 2021Ken Tanizar
    The journey into the promised land is the journey of learning to hear and obey God's voice. Ken Tanizar reflects on what he gained through wilderness experiences, on his way to knowing God by His character and His voice.
    The Promised Land
    13 Mar 2021Ken Tanizar

    The journey into the promised land is the journey of learning to hear and obey God's voice. Ken Tanizar reflects on what he gained through wilderness experiences, on his way to knowing God by His character and His voice.

  • Triumphant Living In The Last Days

    6 Mar 2021Pastor John Koe
    Triumphant Living In The Last Days
    6 Mar 2021Pastor John Koe

  • Living As Promised Land People

    27 Feb 2021Pastor Vincent Lun
    Pastor Vincent Lun reminds us that living according to God’s principles involves a holistic approach of caring for our spirit, soul, and body. By renewing our spirit, resting our bodies, and refreshing our souls, and observing the ‘rest’ principle of the Sabbath, we tap into the principles of living as promised land people and experience more of His abundance.
    Living As Promised Land People
    27 Feb 2021Pastor Vincent Lun

    Pastor Vincent Lun reminds us that living according to God’s principles involves a holistic approach of caring for our spirit, soul, and body. By renewing our spirit, resting our bodies, and refreshing our souls, and observing the ‘rest’ principle of the Sabbath, we tap into the principles of living as promised land people and experience more of His abundance.

  • Pay Attention To The Cracks

    20 Feb 2021Pastor Alan Tay
    In the final sermon of the Nehemiah series, Pastor Alan Tay highlights how just as cracks in the wall reveal underlying weaknesses, cracks in our community reveal offence in our hearts and strains in our relationships. Against compromise, unforgiveness, and subtle sins, let us bring our hearts before God and experience a divine exchange, receiving His love and release.
    Pay Attention To The Cracks
    20 Feb 2021Pastor Alan Tay

    In the final sermon of the Nehemiah series, Pastor Alan Tay highlights how just as cracks in the wall reveal underlying weaknesses, cracks in our community reveal offence in our hearts and strains in our relationships. Against compromise, unforgiveness, and subtle sins, let us bring our hearts before God and experience a divine exchange, receiving His love and release.

  • Power Over Opposition

    6 Feb 2021Patrick Joseph
    Brother Patrick Joseph  shared with us through the book of Nehemiah on how we can have power over opposition to fulfill the destiny God has for us. Are we willing to engage with God and allow Him to use what we already have in our hands?
    Power Over Opposition
    6 Feb 2021Patrick Joseph

    Brother Patrick Joseph  shared with us through the book of Nehemiah on how we can have power over opposition to fulfill the destiny God has for us. Are we willing to engage with God and allow Him to use what we already have in our hands?

  • Build Up Not Tear Down

    30 Jan 2021Pastor Alan Tay
    Pressure reveals what needs to be strengthened and even rebuilt. Considering the past year, Pastor Alan Tay makes the book of Nehemiah personal, challenging us to ask: what area of our lives is God wanting to build? What are the values or pillars we want to leave as a legacy for the generations to come?
    Build Up Not Tear Down
    30 Jan 2021Pastor Alan Tay

    Pressure reveals what needs to be strengthened and even rebuilt. Considering the past year, Pastor Alan Tay makes the book of Nehemiah personal, challenging us to ask: what area of our lives is God wanting to build? What are the values or pillars we want to leave as a legacy for the generations to come?

  • The Power Of Testimony

    23 Jan 2021Pastor Colin Wong
    When Nehemiah was called by God to rebuild the walls of the city, he faced obstacles from enemies and opposition from his own people. Against all odds, the Lord moved mightily and the wall was completed in fifty-two days! Let us arise and build God’s house together as a family in this 2021, powered by His presence and strength!
    The Power Of Testimony
    23 Jan 2021Pastor Colin Wong

    When Nehemiah was called by God to rebuild the walls of the city, he faced obstacles from enemies and opposition from his own people. Against all odds, the Lord moved mightily and the wall was completed in fifty-two days! Let us arise and build God’s house together as a family in this 2021, powered by His presence and strength!

  • Prayer In The Midst of Shaking

    16 Jan 2021Pastor Alan Tay
    The events of 2020 have shown us we are in the midst of a great shaking. The call to pray and obey what God has called us to has never been more important. Pastor Alan Tay draws from the book of Nehemiah, showing that in the midst of challenges, and sometimes even heart brokenness, we can choose to press forward in staying close to God and obeying Him.
    Prayer In The Midst of Shaking
    16 Jan 2021Pastor Alan Tay

    The events of 2020 have shown us we are in the midst of a great shaking. The call to pray and obey what God has called us to has never been more important. Pastor Alan Tay draws from the book of Nehemiah, showing that in the midst of challenges, and sometimes even heart brokenness, we can choose to press forward in staying close to God and obeying Him.

  • Secret Investment Guaranteed Returns

    9 Jan 2021Richard Tay
    Richard Tay shares principles tested through the seasons of his life--the value and potential of time, and how it can yield a harvest.
    Secret Investment Guaranteed Returns
    9 Jan 2021Richard Tay

    Richard Tay shares principles tested through the seasons of his life--the value and potential of time, and how it can yield a harvest.

  • The Time To Win Souls Is Now

    2 Jan 2021Pastor John Koe
    This is the moment we have been prepared for all these years- the battle for souls. Pastor John Koe reminds us that in this time of great shaking and darkness, God is speaking different things to various people. As a church, God is calling us to be the beacon of light to lead others to His kingdom.  When God calls, He promises that He will also empower. You and I have a part to play; do not miss this kairos moment to win souls.
    The Time To Win Souls Is Now
    2 Jan 2021Pastor John Koe

    This is the moment we have been prepared for all these years- the battle for souls. Pastor John Koe reminds us that in this time of great shaking and darkness, God is speaking different things to various people. As a church, God is calling us to be the beacon of light to lead others to His kingdom.  When God calls, He promises that He will also empower. You and I have a part to play; do not miss this kairos moment to win souls.

  • Don‘t Miss Christmas

    26 Dec 2020Pastor John Koe
    Blessed Christmas to all! Christmas is a special time where we recall God’s majesty love through the birth of Jesus Christ. Pastor John Koe exhorts us to remember the powerful significance of this event in the midst of a difficult 2020 where practical issues have overwhelmed many. May we all keep our eyes fixed on the eternal things of God and be renewed this Christmas!
    Don‘t Miss Christmas
    26 Dec 2020Pastor John Koe

    Blessed Christmas to all! Christmas is a special time where we recall God’s majesty love through the birth of Jesus Christ. Pastor John Koe exhorts us to remember the powerful significance of this event in the midst of a difficult 2020 where practical issues have overwhelmed many. May we all keep our eyes fixed on the eternal things of God and be renewed this Christmas!

  • Jehovah Nissi: Living Under the Overflows

    19 Dec 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    The heat of life can often get into our hearts, producing strife and stress. For the things God has called us to, we need to live in the overflow of His love and protection. As we journey under Jehovah Nissi (one of the names of God), “Lord is my Banner”, our minds are renewed and we transform from slave-minded people to soldiers for Christ.
    Jehovah Nissi: Living Under the Overflows
    19 Dec 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    The heat of life can often get into our hearts, producing strife and stress. For the things God has called us to, we need to live in the overflow of His love and protection. As we journey under Jehovah Nissi (one of the names of God), “Lord is my Banner”, our minds are renewed and we transform from slave-minded people to soldiers for Christ.

  • Jehovah Jireh: The Lord Will Provide

    12 Dec 2020Pastor John Koe
    Jehovah Jireh is a special name of God, pointing us to powerful spiritual principles. In this challenging AND encouraging message, Pastor John Koe leads us in a closer reading of familiar Bible passages to highlight the opportunity we have---to live by either earthly or heavenly spiritual laws.
    Jehovah Jireh: The Lord Will Provide
    12 Dec 2020Pastor John Koe

    Jehovah Jireh is a special name of God, pointing us to powerful spiritual principles. In this challenging AND encouraging message, Pastor John Koe leads us in a closer reading of familiar Bible passages to highlight the opportunity we have---to live by either earthly or heavenly spiritual laws.

  • Set Apart

    5 Dec 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    In this first part series of "Knowing God through His Name", Pastor Alan Tay expounds on Lev 19: 2   "Be Holy for I am Holy.” God desires us to be holy and be set apart for Him. We are to live a life that reflects His holiness. It is a personal choice and a commitment. What will you choose today?
    Set Apart
    5 Dec 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    In this first part series of "Knowing God through His Name", Pastor Alan Tay expounds on Lev 19: 2   "Be Holy for I am Holy.” God desires us to be holy and be set apart for Him. We are to live a life that reflects His holiness. It is a personal choice and a commitment. What will you choose today?

  • Going Beyond

    28 Nov 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    The end of ourselves is the beginning of God. When Jesus calls us to follow Him, He calls us to look at Him and Him alone—to know the truth, to love others, to bear fruit, and to die to self. In this time of shaking and shifting, may we learn to put our trust in Jesus and take a step in following Him wherever He calls us to.
    Going Beyond
    28 Nov 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    The end of ourselves is the beginning of God. When Jesus calls us to follow Him, He calls us to look at Him and Him alone—to know the truth, to love others, to bear fruit, and to die to self. In this time of shaking and shifting, may we learn to put our trust in Jesus and take a step in following Him wherever He calls us to.

  • Being A Living Epistle

    21 Nov 2020Pastor Ray Zhao
    Being A Living Epistle
    21 Nov 2020Pastor Ray Zhao

  • Spirit Filled Living in the Last Days

    14 Nov 2020Pastor John Koe
    We must recognise that without the Holy Spirit working in and through us, we can never fully serve God's purposes, especially in these last days. The days ahead are full of challenges and opportunities. Pastor John Koe revisits the record of the early church to remind us that we have the privilege of living a supernatural life and experiencing our full potential in the Holy Spirit!
    Spirit Filled Living in the Last Days
    14 Nov 2020Pastor John Koe

    We must recognise that without the Holy Spirit working in and through us, we can never fully serve God's purposes, especially in these last days. The days ahead are full of challenges and opportunities. Pastor John Koe revisits the record of the early church to remind us that we have the privilege of living a supernatural life and experiencing our full potential in the Holy Spirit!

  • Abundant Life

    7 Nov 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    In John 10:10, Jesus promises to give us life and to have it to the full. However, are we a prisoner of our own mind and heart? Pastor Alan Tay shares with us what it means to live an abundant life and how to be set free to live it to the fullest.
    Abundant Life
    7 Nov 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    In John 10:10, Jesus promises to give us life and to have it to the full. However, are we a prisoner of our own mind and heart? Pastor Alan Tay shares with us what it means to live an abundant life and how to be set free to live it to the fullest.

  • God At My Crossroads

    31 Oct 2020Judith Halim
    Born and raised in Indonesia, Judith came to Singapore as a hopeful young woman, eager to start a family with her ex-husband. Little did she know that he would abandon her after they had their first child, leaving her to fend alone with a child born with heart and brain abnormalities. Betrayed, hopeless and ashamed, her world was destroyed in matter of days. At the crossroads of pain and desperation, how did Judith know which path to take?
    God At My Crossroads
    31 Oct 2020Judith Halim

    Born and raised in Indonesia, Judith came to Singapore as a hopeful young woman, eager to start a family with her ex-husband. Little did she know that he would abandon her after they had their first child, leaving her to fend alone with a child born with heart and brain abnormalities. Betrayed, hopeless and ashamed, her world was destroyed in matter of days. At the crossroads of pain and desperation, how did Judith know which path to take?

  • An Interview With Benny

    24 Oct 2020Benny Se Teo
    A chef and restaurateur, Tedx Talks speaker and an advocate for social change – Benny Se Teo has worn many hats throughout his career in the F&B industry. But behind the success lies a painful history of drug addiction, time spent in prison, and a near-death experience with intestinal ulcers. What drives him to help ex-offenders and mentor youth-at-risk after being on the other side of the law? More importantly, who did he turn to at his personal crossroads of addiction and suffering?
    An Interview With Benny
    24 Oct 2020Benny Se Teo

    A chef and restaurateur, Tedx Talks speaker and an advocate for social change – Benny Se Teo has worn many hats throughout his career in the F&B industry. But behind the success lies a painful history of drug addiction, time spent in prison, and a near-death experience with intestinal ulcers. What drives him to help ex-offenders and mentor youth-at-risk after being on the other side of the law? More importantly, who did he turn to at his personal crossroads of addiction and suffering?

  • Welcome Home

    17 Oct 2020Henri Bong
    Even as a man of international experience and exposure, the concept of home took time for Henri to grasp. Growing up with an identity crisis and facing both failures and successes in the tech entrepreneurial world, how did he stand resolute in the midst of difficulty? At his crossroads of success, failure and identity confusion, how did he find his way home?
    Welcome Home
    17 Oct 2020Henri Bong

    Even as a man of international experience and exposure, the concept of home took time for Henri to grasp. Growing up with an identity crisis and facing both failures and successes in the tech entrepreneurial world, how did he stand resolute in the midst of difficulty? At his crossroads of success, failure and identity confusion, how did he find his way home?

  • K.N.O.W. Your Legacy

    10 Oct 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    Legacy is a relevant consideration at any age. It is never too early to start thinking about the end, because it will give us a clear picture of how to live NOW. Pastor Alan Tay breaks down this topic into 4 steps -- the 4 pillars we can put in place to start building a life with generational impact.
    K.N.O.W. Your Legacy
    10 Oct 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    Legacy is a relevant consideration at any age. It is never too early to start thinking about the end, because it will give us a clear picture of how to live NOW. Pastor Alan Tay breaks down this topic into 4 steps -- the 4 pillars we can put in place to start building a life with generational impact.

  • Honour In Relationships

    3 Oct 2020Thiha Pine
    Honour involves multiple directions; it is not only the lower giving it to the higher ones. When we honour people, God is present in our midst. Thiha Pine shares with us three groups of people to honour, some reasons why we dishonour them and ways we can honour them. Do we know the position that God has placed us so that we give due honour to the people around us?
    Honour In Relationships
    3 Oct 2020Thiha Pine

    Honour involves multiple directions; it is not only the lower giving it to the higher ones. When we honour people, God is present in our midst. Thiha Pine shares with us three groups of people to honour, some reasons why we dishonour them and ways we can honour them. Do we know the position that God has placed us so that we give due honour to the people around us?

  • Tabernacles and the Return of Christ

    26 Sep 2020Pastor John Koe
    The Feast of Tabernacles is one of the seven feasts appointed by God in Leviticus 23. More than an Old Testament practice, it represents the eventual return of Jesus the Messiah to establish his millennial rule on earth as prophetically revealed in the Bible. Pastor John Koe unveils with great clarity the promises God has given to us through this feast.
    Tabernacles and the Return of Christ
    26 Sep 2020Pastor John Koe

    The Feast of Tabernacles is one of the seven feasts appointed by God in Leviticus 23. More than an Old Testament practice, it represents the eventual return of Jesus the Messiah to establish his millennial rule on earth as prophetically revealed in the Bible. Pastor John Koe unveils with great clarity the promises God has given to us through this feast.

  • Naked & Unashamed

    19 Sep 2020Pastor Ben KC Lee
    In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed in the presence of God. However becuase of sin, we no longer feel this way. Pastor Ben shares with us how to be fully known and loved, naked and unashamed and how we can love others like how Christ loved us.
    Naked & Unashamed
    19 Sep 2020Pastor Ben KC Lee

    In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed in the presence of God. However becuase of sin, we no longer feel this way. Pastor Ben shares with us how to be fully known and loved, naked and unashamed and how we can love others like how Christ loved us.

  • Who's The Boss?

    12 Sep 2020Pastor Vincent Lun
    Who we are following is more important than where we are going. Pastor Vincent Lun brings a clear reminder in this time of external uncertainties. As we position our hearts towards God's leadership in our lives, we are set up to receive guidance from the Holy Spirit, the Word and the community of believers.
    Who's The Boss?
    12 Sep 2020Pastor Vincent Lun

    Who we are following is more important than where we are going. Pastor Vincent Lun brings a clear reminder in this time of external uncertainties. As we position our hearts towards God's leadership in our lives, we are set up to receive guidance from the Holy Spirit, the Word and the community of believers.

  • Kingdom Culture III: Unity and Conflict

    5 Sep 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    Unity is not the absence of conflict; it is in the presence of conflicts. In this last part of the trilogy on Kingdom Culture on Unity,  Pastor Alan Tay explains through narratives in the bible, the causes of conflicts, the spiritual roots that lead to most physical, emotional and psychological issues and the steps to deal with conflicts.  He encourages us through John 13:35, “By this, all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”.
    Kingdom Culture III: Unity and Conflict
    5 Sep 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    Unity is not the absence of conflict; it is in the presence of conflicts. In this last part of the trilogy on Kingdom Culture on Unity,  Pastor Alan Tay explains through narratives in the bible, the causes of conflicts, the spiritual roots that lead to most physical, emotional and psychological issues and the steps to deal with conflicts.  He encourages us through John 13:35, “By this, all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”.

  • Kingdom Culture II: Unity of Heart

    29 Aug 2020Pastor Ray Zhao
    God has given us the divine blueprint for unity through the very words spoken by Jesus in the Gospel of John. Pastor Ray Zhao brings us through these and highlights the three root causes of division: rejection, bitterness, and rebellion, and encourages us to pursue wisdom and unity for the sake of ourselves and our community.
    Kingdom Culture II: Unity of Heart
    29 Aug 2020Pastor Ray Zhao

    God has given us the divine blueprint for unity through the very words spoken by Jesus in the Gospel of John. Pastor Ray Zhao brings us through these and highlights the three root causes of division: rejection, bitterness, and rebellion, and encourages us to pursue wisdom and unity for the sake of ourselves and our community.

  • The Kingdom Culture of Unity

    22 Aug 2020Pastor John Koe
    The Kingdom Culture of Unity
    22 Aug 2020Pastor John Koe

  • Christianity and Chinese Culture

    15 Aug 2020Pastor Colin Wong
    Chinese who become Christians can often find themselves grappling with cultural practices and Biblical teachings. Pastor Colin Wong shares a deep and insightful message about how we can continue to uphold family honour and unity as Chinese Christians, and be salt and light where Christianity and Chinese culture meets.
    Christianity and Chinese Culture
    15 Aug 2020Pastor Colin Wong

    Chinese who become Christians can often find themselves grappling with cultural practices and Biblical teachings. Pastor Colin Wong shares a deep and insightful message about how we can continue to uphold family honour and unity as Chinese Christians, and be salt and light where Christianity and Chinese culture meets.

  • The Role Of The Holy Spirit In Evangelism

    8 Aug 2020Pastor Colin Wong
    Evangelism is a job for the whole church working together, not just a few passionate members. God has brought us together and given us resources for a purpose. Though we lack strength or confidence, the Holy Spirit prepares a way for us to testify to the power of God in our lives. Pastor Colin Wong encourages us in the journey of Happiness Group.
    The Role Of The Holy Spirit In Evangelism
    8 Aug 2020Pastor Colin Wong

    Evangelism is a job for the whole church working together, not just a few passionate members. God has brought us together and given us resources for a purpose. Though we lack strength or confidence, the Holy Spirit prepares a way for us to testify to the power of God in our lives. Pastor Colin Wong encourages us in the journey of Happiness Group.

  • Testifying For The Gospel

    1 Aug 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    Testimonies are about God’s touch and love on the lives of people; ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Pastor Alan Tay shares with us the power of testimonies and the pointers on how to do it. Are we always ready to share God’s love anytime anywhere?
    Testifying For The Gospel
    1 Aug 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    Testimonies are about God’s touch and love on the lives of people; ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Pastor Alan Tay shares with us the power of testimonies and the pointers on how to do it. Are we always ready to share God’s love anytime anywhere?

  • For The Sake Of Christ And The Gospel

    25 Jul 2020Pastor John Koe
    If we are living in the last days, what should we prioritise in our lives? Pastor John Koe brings us to the words of our Lord in Mark 8 – the call to lay down our lives and deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and to follow Him. This is a life that Christians live and a glorious way to proclaim the goodness of God!
    For The Sake Of Christ And The Gospel
    25 Jul 2020Pastor John Koe

    If we are living in the last days, what should we prioritise in our lives? Pastor John Koe brings us to the words of our Lord in Mark 8 – the call to lay down our lives and deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and to follow Him. This is a life that Christians live and a glorious way to proclaim the goodness of God!

  • The Power Of The Gospel

    18 Jul 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    The Gospel preached is accompanied by power, signs and wonders of God’s love. Pastor Alan Tay shares testimonies of the Holy Sprit working miracles in the everyday lives of Singaporeans who have had the Gospel shared with them. Jesus gave all of Himself for us – will you share what Jesus has done with someone today?
    The Power Of The Gospel
    18 Jul 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    The Gospel preached is accompanied by power, signs and wonders of God’s love. Pastor Alan Tay shares testimonies of the Holy Sprit working miracles in the everyday lives of Singaporeans who have had the Gospel shared with them. Jesus gave all of Himself for us – will you share what Jesus has done with someone today?

  • Building The Gospel-driven Church

    11 Jul 2020Pastor John Koe
    Pastor John Koe lays out 4 questions that every church intent on being relevant and effective at sharing the Gospel must consider. Church is meant to be a gathering of the saved for the purpose of reaching the unsaved. We are at a juncture that necessitates honest reflection on who we are, how we do church and why. Is it effective? If we do not unite in soul-winning, our energies will be spent on in-fighting. Pastor John calls us to see ourselves as God does - a victorious army battling for people's eternal destiny.
    Building The Gospel-driven Church
    11 Jul 2020Pastor John Koe

    Pastor John Koe lays out 4 questions that every church intent on being relevant and effective at sharing the Gospel must consider. Church is meant to be a gathering of the saved for the purpose of reaching the unsaved. We are at a juncture that necessitates honest reflection on who we are, how we do church and why. Is it effective? If we do not unite in soul-winning, our energies will be spent on in-fighting. Pastor John calls us to see ourselves as God does - a victorious army battling for people's eternal destiny.

  • The Gospel-driven Church

    4 Jul 2020Pastor John Koe
    God’s desire is for everyone to be saved and the church exists for this commission. Pastor John Koe urges us to give expression for our purpose as a church in this time of distress to provide relief and help others be reconciled to God. We are hot-wired to share the gospel with people, but are we drawing on this latent power to fulfill our mission?
    The Gospel-driven Church
    4 Jul 2020Pastor John Koe

    God’s desire is for everyone to be saved and the church exists for this commission. Pastor John Koe urges us to give expression for our purpose as a church in this time of distress to provide relief and help others be reconciled to God. We are hot-wired to share the gospel with people, but are we drawing on this latent power to fulfill our mission?

  • Petra's Journey To Raise Sons and Daughters

    27 Jun 2020Richard Tay
    Richard Tay brings us through twenty years of Petra's journey and revisits our mission of Devotion to God, Building Community, Empowerment, and Outreach. In fulfilling our Outreach mission, God has provided the Happiness Group (HG) model, which is a tried-and-proven model of evangelism and discipleship. He outlines the simple but powerful ways in which HG works and invites us all on this mandate of fulfilling the Great Commission.
    Petra's Journey To Raise Sons and Daughters
    27 Jun 2020Richard Tay

    Richard Tay brings us through twenty years of Petra's journey and revisits our mission of Devotion to God, Building Community, Empowerment, and Outreach. In fulfilling our Outreach mission, God has provided the Happiness Group (HG) model, which is a tried-and-proven model of evangelism and discipleship. He outlines the simple but powerful ways in which HG works and invites us all on this mandate of fulfilling the Great Commission.

  • Understand End Times

    20 Jun 2020Richard Tay
    Richard Tay explains the many signs of the End times and delves into the Economic signs. He explains how COVID-19 helped propagate digitalisation towards a World economy and currency. Israel also cannot be ignored in the conversations of the end times and he illustrates Israel in the covenant of God through the book of Daniel.
    Understand End Times
    20 Jun 2020Richard Tay

    Richard Tay explains the many signs of the End times and delves into the Economic signs. He explains how COVID-19 helped propagate digitalisation towards a World economy and currency. Israel also cannot be ignored in the conversations of the end times and he illustrates Israel in the covenant of God through the book of Daniel.

  • The Power Of Holy Communion

    13 Jun 2020Pastor John Koe
    Blood covenant creates union. Abraham. Beauty. Salvation. Holy Communion is a promise of divine health and a celebration of the finished work of Christ for anyone who will believe. It was never meant to be a tool of condemnation or exclusion. Through history the beauty of this sacrament has been obscured--Pastor John Koe brings us back to the joy of Holy Communion.
    The Power Of Holy Communion
    13 Jun 2020Pastor John Koe

    Blood covenant creates union. Abraham. Beauty. Salvation. Holy Communion is a promise of divine health and a celebration of the finished work of Christ for anyone who will believe. It was never meant to be a tool of condemnation or exclusion. Through history the beauty of this sacrament has been obscured--Pastor John Koe brings us back to the joy of Holy Communion.

  • The Sower's Vision

    6 Jun 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    Have you ever wondered what a farmer sees when he sows? When he casts his seeds, he expects a response. Pastor Alan Tay shares with us from the Parable of the Sower what the sower’s vision is and how we bear fruits and be a witness for God as our response to His word.
    The Sower's Vision
    6 Jun 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    Have you ever wondered what a farmer sees when he sows? When he casts his seeds, he expects a response. Pastor Alan Tay shares with us from the Parable of the Sower what the sower’s vision is and how we bear fruits and be a witness for God as our response to His word.

  • Blessings Of A Family Prayer Altar

    30 May 2020Pastor Timothy Gibson
    The building of prayer altars is an important and powerful practice which God has given His people to enforce authority of the Kingdom on earth. Pastor Timothy Gibson shows us through the Word and life-changing testimonies how the blessings of the Family Prayer Altar has powerfully transformed his personal walk with God and his family. Start today and pull God’s presence daily unto your altar!
    Blessings Of A Family Prayer Altar
    30 May 2020Pastor Timothy Gibson

    The building of prayer altars is an important and powerful practice which God has given His people to enforce authority of the Kingdom on earth. Pastor Timothy Gibson shows us through the Word and life-changing testimonies how the blessings of the Family Prayer Altar has powerfully transformed his personal walk with God and his family. Start today and pull God’s presence daily unto your altar!

  • Corona Update IV – How To Make Plagues Passover Your Family

    23 May 2020Pastor John Koe
    In the book of Exodus, God gives specific instructions to the Israelites for escaping the 10th plague – the death of all first-born man and beast. Pastor John Koe unveils this scripture in greater light, showing how God has given us the key to make all plagues pass over our families and unlock blessings over our lives.
    Corona Update IV – How To Make Plagues Passover Your Family
    23 May 2020Pastor John Koe

    In the book of Exodus, God gives specific instructions to the Israelites for escaping the 10th plague – the death of all first-born man and beast. Pastor John Koe unveils this scripture in greater light, showing how God has given us the key to make all plagues pass over our families and unlock blessings over our lives.

  • From Syringe To Brush

    16 May 2020Barry Yeow
    Barry Yeow shares his testimony on how the goodness of God eradicated fear and changed his life. Barry was trapped in a cycle of drug use and incarceration until God turned his life around.
    From Syringe To Brush
    16 May 2020Barry Yeow

    Barry Yeow shares his testimony on how the goodness of God eradicated fear and changed his life. Barry was trapped in a cycle of drug use and incarceration until God turned his life around.

  • Growing In Joy

    9 May 2020Dr Tan Lai Yong
    Dr Tan Lai Yong shares lessons learned in the years he spent training village doctors in the mountains of Yunnan, China. His insights have special relevance now, as we choose to grow through, and not just go through, challenges. His reminder is simple, and at the same time difficult. Ultimately, it's worthwhile, because it is the only way to the true growth we long for.
    Growing In Joy
    9 May 2020Dr Tan Lai Yong

    Dr Tan Lai Yong shares lessons learned in the years he spent training village doctors in the mountains of Yunnan, China. His insights have special relevance now, as we choose to grow through, and not just go through, challenges. His reminder is simple, and at the same time difficult. Ultimately, it's worthwhile, because it is the only way to the true growth we long for.

  • Corona Update III – Adapting To The New Normal

    2 May 2020Pastor John Koe
    Covid- 19 is like a little burning bush to catch our attention. God is jostling us and the church to move with His pillar of cloud to adapt our lives to the new normal. Pastor John Koe shares with us ways to cope with the current stressful situation as well as challenges us to shift our mind and seek God to ask Him what is on His heart so that we will emerge stronger than before to a better place to weather future storms and overcome them.
    Corona Update III – Adapting To The New Normal
    2 May 2020Pastor John Koe

    Covid- 19 is like a little burning bush to catch our attention. God is jostling us and the church to move with His pillar of cloud to adapt our lives to the new normal. Pastor John Koe shares with us ways to cope with the current stressful situation as well as challenges us to shift our mind and seek God to ask Him what is on His heart so that we will emerge stronger than before to a better place to weather future storms and overcome them.

  • Trust In The Promise Keeping God

    25 Apr 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    God is faithful and delivers on His promises of Presence, Protection, Power, and Provision through the generations. What are you trusting God for in this season? Pastor Alan Tay encourages us to put our trust in the promise-keeping God who never sleeps nor slumbers.
    Trust In The Promise Keeping God
    25 Apr 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    God is faithful and delivers on His promises of Presence, Protection, Power, and Provision through the generations. What are you trusting God for in this season? Pastor Alan Tay encourages us to put our trust in the promise-keeping God who never sleeps nor slumbers.

  • Corona Update II – Plagues & Purposes

    18 Apr 2020Pastor John Koe
    Now is the season of the great shaking. Ps John unveils the purpose of these shakings and responsibilities we have as His people by looking at the 10 plagues of Egypt.
    Corona Update II – Plagues & Purposes
    18 Apr 2020Pastor John Koe

    Now is the season of the great shaking. Ps John unveils the purpose of these shakings and responsibilities we have as His people by looking at the 10 plagues of Egypt.

  • 4 Cups 7 Promises Of Passover

    11 Apr 2020Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu
    Passover marks the start of the week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread. This festival season is more than Biblical history. Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu takes us through the Biblical references to Passover in our present and future to explain the relevance of Passover today.
    4 Cups 7 Promises Of Passover
    11 Apr 2020Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu

    Passover marks the start of the week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread. This festival season is more than Biblical history. Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu takes us through the Biblical references to Passover in our present and future to explain the relevance of Passover today.

  • Corona Update I - A Kingdom Perspective

    4 Apr 2020Pastor John Koe
    Do we have the kingdom's perspective of COVID-19 or are we shaped by the news offered by the various social media of the situation? Pastor John Koe encourages us to focus our eyes on God and get the real source of news from Him. We need to dive into God’s word to purge false news and even fear that the enemy has put in us. It is time to be a soldier for God and partner with Him to fight the battle for souls.
    Corona Update I - A Kingdom Perspective
    4 Apr 2020Pastor John Koe

    Do we have the kingdom's perspective of COVID-19 or are we shaped by the news offered by the various social media of the situation? Pastor John Koe encourages us to focus our eyes on God and get the real source of news from Him. We need to dive into God’s word to purge false news and even fear that the enemy has put in us. It is time to be a soldier for God and partner with Him to fight the battle for souls.

  • The Church In Your House

    28 Mar 2020Pastor John Koe
    Did you know the earliest churches during Jesus’ time were all held in homes? Pastor John Koe shares how amidst these challenging times, we can all learn to give thanks in all circumstances and discover how gathering in homes for church may be our greatest revelation and experience yet!
    The Church In Your House
    28 Mar 2020Pastor John Koe

    Did you know the earliest churches during Jesus’ time were all held in homes? Pastor John Koe shares how amidst these challenging times, we can all learn to give thanks in all circumstances and discover how gathering in homes for church may be our greatest revelation and experience yet!

  • Let Your Light Shine

    21 Mar 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    How can you reorientate your life to be a good soldier of God for the times ahead? Ps Alan shares about what does it mean to know, hear and share about God
    Let Your Light Shine
    21 Mar 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    How can you reorientate your life to be a good soldier of God for the times ahead? Ps Alan shares about what does it mean to know, hear and share about God

  • Kingdoms In Conflict

    14 Mar 2020Pastor John Koe
    Amid the disruption and bewilderment of life in a time of pandemic, God is speaking and revealing His plans for the future! It may be an uncomfortable wake-up call, but beyond the initial dismay and distress is true peace. In a time of global shaking, a Kingdom that cannot be shaken will make itself known. It is the hour of the emergence of the Kingdom of God in its fullness! There is a fight on, and God wants to train us for war.
    Kingdoms In Conflict
    14 Mar 2020Pastor John Koe

    Amid the disruption and bewilderment of life in a time of pandemic, God is speaking and revealing His plans for the future! It may be an uncomfortable wake-up call, but beyond the initial dismay and distress is true peace. In a time of global shaking, a Kingdom that cannot be shaken will make itself known. It is the hour of the emergence of the Kingdom of God in its fullness! There is a fight on, and God wants to train us for war.

  • No Plague Will Come Near You

    7 Mar 2020Pastor John Koe
    Pastor John Koe compares the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and COVID-19. Despite all the plagues, not one Israelite was harmed. God is our divine protection and restoration. We are living in perilous times and the greatest threat to the body of Christ is ignorance.  Are we ready to adjust our lifestyle to live for Heaven's purpose and have a habit of encountering God's words to seek His counsel to guide us?
    No Plague Will Come Near You
    7 Mar 2020Pastor John Koe

    Pastor John Koe compares the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and COVID-19. Despite all the plagues, not one Israelite was harmed. God is our divine protection and restoration. We are living in perilous times and the greatest threat to the body of Christ is ignorance.  Are we ready to adjust our lifestyle to live for Heaven's purpose and have a habit of encountering God's words to seek His counsel to guide us?

  • Faith Walk

    29 Feb 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    The life of Abraham is marked by a distinct obedience in hearing and obeying the voice of God. We too can grow in faith through immersing ourselves in the Word, developing a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and posturing our hearts for worship. Let us be Sons and Daughters who hear our Father’s voice and walk in faith from now till eternity!
    Faith Walk
    29 Feb 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    The life of Abraham is marked by a distinct obedience in hearing and obeying the voice of God. We too can grow in faith through immersing ourselves in the Word, developing a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and posturing our hearts for worship. Let us be Sons and Daughters who hear our Father’s voice and walk in faith from now till eternity!

  • Divine Restoration

    22 Feb 2020Pastor John Koe
    Pastor John Koe unveils powerful scriptural examples of divine restoration through the lives of David and Job, showing how God’s restoration always makes things better than before. Experience divine restoration as you lean onto God and speak His word into your situation!
    Divine Restoration
    22 Feb 2020Pastor John Koe

    Pastor John Koe unveils powerful scriptural examples of divine restoration through the lives of David and Job, showing how God’s restoration always makes things better than before. Experience divine restoration as you lean onto God and speak His word into your situation!

  • God Thought Of You

    15 Feb 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    In challenging times like this when Covid-19 and global fears take the spotlight, it is imperative we find where our faith stands. Pastor Alan Tay reminds us that God’s promises remain from generations to generations and urges all to take a stand in staying strong and being a vessel of encouragement. Let us all be agents of love and encouragement in these fearful times!
    God Thought Of You
    15 Feb 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    In challenging times like this when Covid-19 and global fears take the spotlight, it is imperative we find where our faith stands. Pastor Alan Tay reminds us that God’s promises remain from generations to generations and urges all to take a stand in staying strong and being a vessel of encouragement. Let us all be agents of love and encouragement in these fearful times!

  • The Power Of Vision

    8 Feb 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    When the going gets tough, when we don't know how long the pain will last, and when we are exhausted and struggling to stay afloat, it is important to envision our destination. Knowing where we want to go will get us through. In times of crisis and panic, it is natural to fear; but even fearing, we can choose to trust God, His greatness, and His promises to care for us. We can be afraid, or we can believe.
    The Power Of Vision
    8 Feb 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    When the going gets tough, when we don't know how long the pain will last, and when we are exhausted and struggling to stay afloat, it is important to envision our destination. Knowing where we want to go will get us through. In times of crisis and panic, it is natural to fear; but even fearing, we can choose to trust God, His greatness, and His promises to care for us. We can be afraid, or we can believe.

  • Divine Protection

    1 Feb 2020Pastor John Koe
    Pastor John Koe expounds on Psalms 91 about God's protection over us in divine guidance. When we abide in God and saturate our lives with His words, we stay sensitive to Him. In this time of uncertainties, let's appropriate God's supernatural protection by having a healthy word life!
    Divine Protection
    1 Feb 2020Pastor John Koe

    Pastor John Koe expounds on Psalms 91 about God's protection over us in divine guidance. When we abide in God and saturate our lives with His words, we stay sensitive to Him. In this time of uncertainties, let's appropriate God's supernatural protection by having a healthy word life!

  • Culture of Blessing

    25 Jan 2020Pastor Alan Tay
    Pastor Alan Tay wishes all a blessed Chinese New Year and shares a plethora of God’s blessings from the Bible. More than being wealthy or enjoying good health, the blessed life is the one where we fulfil God’s call and purpose in our life - just like how Abraham trusted God at His word and fulfilled the purpose of his life. This 2020, let us all experience the blessed life as obedient Sons and Daughters of God, revealing the Father’s glory!
    Culture of Blessing
    25 Jan 2020Pastor Alan Tay

    Pastor Alan Tay wishes all a blessed Chinese New Year and shares a plethora of God’s blessings from the Bible. More than being wealthy or enjoying good health, the blessed life is the one where we fulfil God’s call and purpose in our life - just like how Abraham trusted God at His word and fulfilled the purpose of his life. This 2020, let us all experience the blessed life as obedient Sons and Daughters of God, revealing the Father’s glory!

  • A Highly Favoured & Blessed Life

    18 Jan 2020Pastor John Koe
    The life of Mary was mundane and insignificant until she said yes to be used by God in accordance with angel Gabriel’s message. When our earthly lives embrace a heavenly destiny, we create eternal value in partnership with God. This 2020, let us step up and live the highly favoured and blessed life by seeking God and saying YES to his purposes for our life!
    A Highly Favoured & Blessed Life
    18 Jan 2020Pastor John Koe

    The life of Mary was mundane and insignificant until she said yes to be used by God in accordance with angel Gabriel’s message. When our earthly lives embrace a heavenly destiny, we create eternal value in partnership with God. This 2020, let us step up and live the highly favoured and blessed life by seeking God and saying YES to his purposes for our life!

  • Seeing The Vision, Living The Call

    11 Jan 2020Pastor John Koe
    Each of us is a masterpiece creation of God with a divine destiny. God wants us to have a clear 2020 vision this new year. Do we know our heavenly vision and calling? Pastor John Koe shares with us ways to discover our calling to align ourselves with God to live out our personal destiny.
    Seeing The Vision, Living The Call
    11 Jan 2020Pastor John Koe

    Each of us is a masterpiece creation of God with a divine destiny. God wants us to have a clear 2020 vision this new year. Do we know our heavenly vision and calling? Pastor John Koe shares with us ways to discover our calling to align ourselves with God to live out our personal destiny.

  • Petra Official Opening

    4 Jan 2020Pastor John Koe
    "Petra Church celebrates it’s official opening at Bible House! Pastor John Koe draws from the book of Revelation and the purpose of the 7 Churches to remind us of Petra’s unique purpose in the Kingdom. The mission of Petra — Devotion, Community, Empowerment, and Outreach continues in Bible House — as a family of God that raises His sons and daughters to reveal the Father’s glory! With this Official Opening, Petra Church is now known as Petra Community with effect from 4th January 2020."
    Petra Official Opening
    4 Jan 2020Pastor John Koe

    "Petra Church celebrates it’s official opening at Bible House! Pastor John Koe draws from the book of Revelation and the purpose of the 7 Churches to remind us of Petra’s unique purpose in the Kingdom. The mission of Petra — Devotion, Community, Empowerment, and Outreach continues in Bible House — as a family of God that raises His sons and daughters to reveal the Father’s glory! With this Official Opening, Petra Church is now known as Petra Community with effect from 4th January 2020."

  • The Power Of Thanksgiving

    28 Dec 2019Pastor John Koe
    How do we know the will of God for our lives? Pastor John Koe answers this through the study of the lives of Abraham and Paul. Through the life of the Father of Faith, he shows how thanksgiving leads us to live out God’s will in our lives. In examining the life of Apostle Paul, he highlights how God changes situations through the steadfast practice of thanksgiving amidst the pain of life’s challenges.
    The Power Of Thanksgiving
    28 Dec 2019Pastor John Koe

    How do we know the will of God for our lives? Pastor John Koe answers this through the study of the lives of Abraham and Paul. Through the life of the Father of Faith, he shows how thanksgiving leads us to live out God’s will in our lives. In examining the life of Apostle Paul, he highlights how God changes situations through the steadfast practice of thanksgiving amidst the pain of life’s challenges.

  • The Miracle of Christmas

    21 Dec 2019Pastor John Koe
    Christmas recalls and remembers the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, a miraculous act of God for the purpose of our salvation. Pastor John Koe shares how Jesus Christ is The Word made flesh through God releasing the seed of the Word into Mary’s womb — and how the Word of God can produce miracles in our lives as it takes root in our hearts.
    The Miracle of Christmas
    21 Dec 2019Pastor John Koe

    Christmas recalls and remembers the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, a miraculous act of God for the purpose of our salvation. Pastor John Koe shares how Jesus Christ is The Word made flesh through God releasing the seed of the Word into Mary’s womb — and how the Word of God can produce miracles in our lives as it takes root in our hearts.

  • Big God Small People

    14 Dec 2019Pastor Alan Tay
    One of the groups of people God chose to reveal Jesus' birth to were the shepherds, who were despised by society then. In doing so, God alone received the glory when the miracle of salvation was given to them. This miracle gives us all, a hope in a good God who is faithful to bring His plans to pass.
    Big God Small People
    14 Dec 2019Pastor Alan Tay

    One of the groups of people God chose to reveal Jesus' birth to were the shepherds, who were despised by society then. In doing so, God alone received the glory when the miracle of salvation was given to them. This miracle gives us all, a hope in a good God who is faithful to bring His plans to pass.

  • Celebrate Life

    7 Dec 2019Pastor Alan Tay
    We have various definitions of celebrations. The Parables of the Lost Sheep, Coin and Son- what was the people in each parable celebrating?  Pastor Alan expounds on the Parable of the Prodigal Son and looks at what is sonship in comparison to people who have the orphan spirit.
    Celebrate Life
    7 Dec 2019Pastor Alan Tay

    We have various definitions of celebrations. The Parables of the Lost Sheep, Coin and Son- what was the people in each parable celebrating?  Pastor Alan expounds on the Parable of the Prodigal Son and looks at what is sonship in comparison to people who have the orphan spirit.

  • Lost And Found

    30 Nov 2019Dr. Leslie Tay
    The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Dr Leslie Tay shares the pulpit with Brother Raymond Tan and Brother Victor Chua with moving testimonies of how Jesus Christ transforms the situations and lives of anyone and everyone who calls upon His name. This is the final sermon of the 3-part Petra Celebrity Talks series.
    Lost And Found
    30 Nov 2019Dr. Leslie Tay

    The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Dr Leslie Tay shares the pulpit with Brother Raymond Tan and Brother Victor Chua with moving testimonies of how Jesus Christ transforms the situations and lives of anyone and everyone who calls upon His name. This is the final sermon of the 3-part Petra Celebrity Talks series.

  • From Syringe To Brush

    23 Nov 2019Barry Yeow
    Rejection can break even the strongest of us. Rejected since young, Brother Barry Yeow found himself trapped in a cycle of drug use and incarceration for many years until an encounter with God changed everything. Hear him share his story of boasting in the Lord (1 Cor 1:31) as a successful highly sought-after artist today.
    From Syringe To Brush
    23 Nov 2019Barry Yeow

    Rejection can break even the strongest of us. Rejected since young, Brother Barry Yeow found himself trapped in a cycle of drug use and incarceration for many years until an encounter with God changed everything. Hear him share his story of boasting in the Lord (1 Cor 1:31) as a successful highly sought-after artist today.

  • Pastor Clement Yuen's Sharing

    16 Nov 2019Pastor Clement Yuen
    God wants to carry us. In good times and in bad times — even if the troubles are of our own making. Pastor Clement unveils the heart of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ through the Parable of the Lost Sheep, inviting us to find help and comfort in a God who loves us as a Father, a brother and a friend.
    Pastor Clement Yuen's Sharing
    16 Nov 2019Pastor Clement Yuen

    God wants to carry us. In good times and in bad times — even if the troubles are of our own making. Pastor Clement unveils the heart of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ through the Parable of the Lost Sheep, inviting us to find help and comfort in a God who loves us as a Father, a brother and a friend.

  • Adopted By God

    9 Nov 2019Pastor John Koe
    The immeasurable depth of God’s love for His children is demonstrated by His adoption plans through Jesus Christ. While He already knew His creation would have the volition to reject His love, Jesus was prepared so that we could respond to God’s glorious grace towards us. To the degree that we receive a revelation of God’s love for us, our response to God’s love in kind gives Him great pleasure.
    Adopted By God
    9 Nov 2019Pastor John Koe

    The immeasurable depth of God’s love for His children is demonstrated by His adoption plans through Jesus Christ. While He already knew His creation would have the volition to reject His love, Jesus was prepared so that we could respond to God’s glorious grace towards us. To the degree that we receive a revelation of God’s love for us, our response to God’s love in kind gives Him great pleasure.

  • A Welcoming Church

    2 Nov 2019Pastor Alan Tay
    Many want to be called the servant of God, few really like it when they are treated as one. Whose responsibility is it to welcome people in church? Pastor Alan shares with us two characteristics of a welcoming church and encourage us to embrace people as they come.
    A Welcoming Church
    2 Nov 2019Pastor Alan Tay

    Many want to be called the servant of God, few really like it when they are treated as one. Whose responsibility is it to welcome people in church? Pastor Alan shares with us two characteristics of a welcoming church and encourage us to embrace people as they come.

  • Encountering God

    19 Oct 2019Pastor Alan Tay
    God meets us on His terms and His timing. Pastor Alan Tay expounds on the story of David, from his days as a shepherd boy, to giant slayer, Crown Prince’s buddy, to the King’s son-in-law. Through the Psalms, he shares how God met David (like how He meets us) in His sovereignty and love.
    Encountering God
    19 Oct 2019Pastor Alan Tay

    God meets us on His terms and His timing. Pastor Alan Tay expounds on the story of David, from his days as a shepherd boy, to giant slayer, Crown Prince’s buddy, to the King’s son-in-law. Through the Psalms, he shares how God met David (like how He meets us) in His sovereignty and love.

  • Jesus In The Feast Of Tabernacles

    12 Oct 2019Pastor John Koe
    Sukkot is the Feast of Booths, one of the seven Feasts of Israel that God has commanded His People to observe. This pilgrimage festival marks the Jews’ 40-year journey in the wilderness, and it reminds us to be thankful of God’s providence.  Through Hebrews 10:25, Pastor John Koe likens the Jews’ pilgrimage to Jerusalem to the corporate worship of the modern day church. The gathering of the saints to worship God strengthens us as we draw near to the day of His return.
    Jesus In The Feast Of Tabernacles
    12 Oct 2019Pastor John Koe

    Sukkot is the Feast of Booths, one of the seven Feasts of Israel that God has commanded His People to observe. This pilgrimage festival marks the Jews’ 40-year journey in the wilderness, and it reminds us to be thankful of God’s providence.  Through Hebrews 10:25, Pastor John Koe likens the Jews’ pilgrimage to Jerusalem to the corporate worship of the modern day church. The gathering of the saints to worship God strengthens us as we draw near to the day of His return.

  • Watch Israel And Know The Time

    5 Oct 2019Pastor John Koe
    Israel is the prophetic clock of the world. Pastor John Koe shares with us various empires that have enjoyed God's blessings when the nations blessed Israel and encourages us to watch what God is doing in Israel to understand His plan and timing. Now we are observing the signs of apostasy, the great falling away. It is time we get right with God and start living life in Him.
    Watch Israel And Know The Time
    5 Oct 2019Pastor John Koe

    Israel is the prophetic clock of the world. Pastor John Koe shares with us various empires that have enjoyed God's blessings when the nations blessed Israel and encourages us to watch what God is doing in Israel to understand His plan and timing. Now we are observing the signs of apostasy, the great falling away. It is time we get right with God and start living life in Him.

  • Transitions - Your Destiny Awaits

    14 Sep 2019Jacob Sim
    Petra's move to Bible House marks a milestone in the church's transition towards our Canaan. Brother Jacob Sim teaches us on navigating into God's purposes by keeping close to His instructions. This critical move will define our decisions today that will shape our destiny tomorrow.
    Transitions - Your Destiny Awaits
    14 Sep 2019Jacob Sim

    Petra's move to Bible House marks a milestone in the church's transition towards our Canaan. Brother Jacob Sim teaches us on navigating into God's purposes by keeping close to His instructions. This critical move will define our decisions today that will shape our destiny tomorrow.

  • Truly Blessed!

    7 Sep 2019Pastor John Koe
    What is our definition of happiness? Are we happy with the life we are living? We are created by God to live a blessed life, but after the fall in the garden of Eden, we have looked for satisfaction through counterfeit versions of pleasures offered by the world. Pastor John Koe encourages us to be connected with God, our source, to live a truly blessed life. His presence brings us joy.
    Truly Blessed!
    7 Sep 2019Pastor John Koe

    What is our definition of happiness? Are we happy with the life we are living? We are created by God to live a blessed life, but after the fall in the garden of Eden, we have looked for satisfaction through counterfeit versions of pleasures offered by the world. Pastor John Koe encourages us to be connected with God, our source, to live a truly blessed life. His presence brings us joy.

  • Transformed In Glory

    31 Aug 2019Nic Billman
    The beauty of the cross and the power of resurrection is enough to transform us into His image. Nic Billman brings us through various reconciliation testimonies from the girls he worked with in his ministry (Shores of Grace Ministry) to illustrate this.
    Transformed In Glory
    31 Aug 2019Nic Billman

    The beauty of the cross and the power of resurrection is enough to transform us into His image. Nic Billman brings us through various reconciliation testimonies from the girls he worked with in his ministry (Shores of Grace Ministry) to illustrate this.

  • Shaping Hearts, Strengthening Our Family & Serving Our Communities

    24 Aug 2019Tan Lai Yong
    Dr Tan brings us into the heart of the Gospel, reminding us that Jesus accepts anything that we give him. Drawing from personal anecdotes, he illustrates through testimonies that our strengths, our weaknesses, our gifts and talents can and will be used by God for the purpose of His Kingdom.
    Shaping Hearts, Strengthening Our Family & Serving Our Communities
    24 Aug 2019Tan Lai Yong

    Dr Tan brings us into the heart of the Gospel, reminding us that Jesus accepts anything that we give him. Drawing from personal anecdotes, he illustrates through testimonies that our strengths, our weaknesses, our gifts and talents can and will be used by God for the purpose of His Kingdom.

  • King Solomon's Temple

    17 Aug 2019Pastor John Koe
    Pastor John talked about Solomon’s dedication of the temple to God. As we dedicate this new house to Him, we believe that He will release a fresh anointing and grace for the journey ahead and that this will be a season of the fulfillment of God’s calling & promises though us individually and corporately.
    King Solomon's Temple
    17 Aug 2019Pastor John Koe

    Pastor John talked about Solomon’s dedication of the temple to God. As we dedicate this new house to Him, we believe that He will release a fresh anointing and grace for the journey ahead and that this will be a season of the fulfillment of God’s calling & promises though us individually and corporately.

  • The Revealing Of The Sons Of God

    10 Aug 2019Pastor John Koe
    As Petra Church ends its season at the CT Hub premises, Pastor John Koe signals us to an accelerated move of the God, where He will multiply the purpose and calling in Petrans. This church will be filled with matured sons who are bold to lay hold of God's inheritance, and bring His dominion onto Earth.
    The Revealing Of The Sons Of God
    10 Aug 2019Pastor John Koe

    As Petra Church ends its season at the CT Hub premises, Pastor John Koe signals us to an accelerated move of the God, where He will multiply the purpose and calling in Petrans. This church will be filled with matured sons who are bold to lay hold of God's inheritance, and bring His dominion onto Earth.

  • The One Thing

    3 Aug 2019Ken Tanizar
    Brother Ken Tanizar shares with us from his personal journey of growing towards huios (maturing sons of God) and encourages us to have an experiential knowledge of God. One of the ways that has helped him is the Immanuel Practicum.
    The One Thing
    3 Aug 2019Ken Tanizar

    Brother Ken Tanizar shares with us from his personal journey of growing towards huios (maturing sons of God) and encourages us to have an experiential knowledge of God. One of the ways that has helped him is the Immanuel Practicum.

  • March Of The Saints

    27 Jul 2019Pastor Alan Tay
    Pastor Alan brings an exciting glimpse of Petra’s new home at Bible House, spiritual assignments and God’s purpose in this season of shifting. He goes deeper into the biblical basis for spiritual realm activity and warfare, and urges all to partner with God for Singapore’s future through prayer and obedience.
    March Of The Saints
    27 Jul 2019Pastor Alan Tay

    Pastor Alan brings an exciting glimpse of Petra’s new home at Bible House, spiritual assignments and God’s purpose in this season of shifting. He goes deeper into the biblical basis for spiritual realm activity and warfare, and urges all to partner with God for Singapore’s future through prayer and obedience.

  • Growth And Transitions

    13 Jul 2019Pastor John Koe
    As Petra prepares for its upcoming move, Pastor John Koe reminds us of the church's apostolic call, to encourage us through these uncertain and uncomfortable times of transition.
    Growth And Transitions
    13 Jul 2019Pastor John Koe

    As Petra prepares for its upcoming move, Pastor John Koe reminds us of the church's apostolic call, to encourage us through these uncertain and uncomfortable times of transition.

  • Raising The Next Generation

    6 Jul 2019Jason Wong
    Did we walk away too early and miss God's miracles in our lives? Through Mark 6:30-44, Brother Jason Wong challenges us, especially the youth, to offer our five loaves and two fishes to God and staying on to see God breaking and multiplying them.
    Raising The Next Generation
    6 Jul 2019Jason Wong

    Did we walk away too early and miss God's miracles in our lives? Through Mark 6:30-44, Brother Jason Wong challenges us, especially the youth, to offer our five loaves and two fishes to God and staying on to see God breaking and multiplying them.

  • Seeing The Big Picture

    29 Jun 2019Reverend Gilbert Carthigasu
    Pastor Gilbert takes us through a journey of biblical history in the Book of Romans, considered one of the influential writings in Christian theology. He reminds us of God’s purpose in bringing Jews and Gentiles together through the acknowledgement and worship of the one Son of God – Yeshua Hamashiach.
    Seeing The Big Picture
    29 Jun 2019Reverend Gilbert Carthigasu

    Pastor Gilbert takes us through a journey of biblical history in the Book of Romans, considered one of the influential writings in Christian theology. He reminds us of God’s purpose in bringing Jews and Gentiles together through the acknowledgement and worship of the one Son of God – Yeshua Hamashiach.

  • Raising Sons And Daughters

    22 Jun 2019Pastor Alan Tay
    Pastor Alan Tay reminds us for the need for community as a body of Christ, urging us to stay focused on the Gospel as the goal of our lives. He draws from the life of Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2 and encourages us to look to Jesus Christ for strength and approval in the midst of challenges in evangelism.
    Raising Sons And Daughters
    22 Jun 2019Pastor Alan Tay

    Pastor Alan Tay reminds us for the need for community as a body of Christ, urging us to stay focused on the Gospel as the goal of our lives. He draws from the life of Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2 and encourages us to look to Jesus Christ for strength and approval in the midst of challenges in evangelism.

  • The Father's Desire

    15 Jun 2019Moses Largado
    Moses Largado speaks about the importance of partnering with God in every aspect of our lives and following Jesus. He challenges us to rise up to prepare a new generation.
    The Father's Desire
    15 Jun 2019Moses Largado

    Moses Largado speaks about the importance of partnering with God in every aspect of our lives and following Jesus. He challenges us to rise up to prepare a new generation.

  • Living in the Light of His Return Pt 2

    8 Jun 2019Pastor John Koe
    Living in the light of Jesus' imminent return is a life who knows His will and intentionally serves Him. As the time frame for us to serve God closes, Pastor John Koe teaches us from Luke 12 to be ready for His return and gird ourselves by immersing in His Word.
    Living in the Light of His Return Pt 2
    8 Jun 2019Pastor John Koe

    Living in the light of Jesus' imminent return is a life who knows His will and intentionally serves Him. As the time frame for us to serve God closes, Pastor John Koe teaches us from Luke 12 to be ready for His return and gird ourselves by immersing in His Word.

  • Living in the Light of His Return

    1 Jun 2019Pastor John Koe
    We are the eleventh hour workers. Are we alert and understand God’s agenda? What should be our lifestyle in the last days? Pastor John Koe urges us to be watchful and observant to know the times we are in so that we are living the purpose of our existence and co-labouring with the Holy Spirit to extend God’s sphere of influence in loving people into His Kingdom.
    Living in the Light of His Return
    1 Jun 2019Pastor John Koe

    We are the eleventh hour workers. Are we alert and understand God’s agenda? What should be our lifestyle in the last days? Pastor John Koe urges us to be watchful and observant to know the times we are in so that we are living the purpose of our existence and co-labouring with the Holy Spirit to extend God’s sphere of influence in loving people into His Kingdom.

  • The Value Of The Gospel

    25 May 2019Pastor John Koe
    What we value most is what we’re willing to exchange our time and life for. Pastor John Koe draws us back to The Parable Of The Pearl in Matthew 13, and challenges us to examine our beliefs, values against the truth of scripture, to discover the true value of our salvation.
    The Value Of The Gospel
    25 May 2019Pastor John Koe

    What we value most is what we’re willing to exchange our time and life for. Pastor John Koe draws us back to The Parable Of The Pearl in Matthew 13, and challenges us to examine our beliefs, values against the truth of scripture, to discover the true value of our salvation.

  • Carry The Cross

    18 May 2019Pastor Alan Tay
    Pastor Alan Tay shares about how we must endeavor to become a gospel-preaching, soul-winning church. He challenged us to live our lives wholly for God - to orientate our whole life and lifestyle to go all-in for Him.
    Carry The Cross
    18 May 2019Pastor Alan Tay

    Pastor Alan Tay shares about how we must endeavor to become a gospel-preaching, soul-winning church. He challenged us to live our lives wholly for God - to orientate our whole life and lifestyle to go all-in for Him.

  • Mother's Day Sharing

    11 May 2019Evelyn Tan
    Motherhood reveals His abiding Grace for mothers to care for His children, and mirrors God's Love for us, as His children. Sister Evelyn Tan shares her life, as a mother and teacher, to her four children.
    Mother's Day Sharing
    11 May 2019Evelyn Tan

    Motherhood reveals His abiding Grace for mothers to care for His children, and mirrors God's Love for us, as His children. Sister Evelyn Tan shares her life, as a mother and teacher, to her four children.

  • Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Feats

    4 May 2019Pastor John Koe
    Revelation is truth lived out. God chooses the ordinary, weak, foolish, insignificant and despised to do extraordinary things if we allow Him to. Pastor John Koe shares through testimonies of people on how God releases its power when we go and share the gospel. The Kingdom of God is like yeast and mustard seed. With the little we know or have, God will empower it when we are willing.
    Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Feats
    4 May 2019Pastor John Koe

    Revelation is truth lived out. God chooses the ordinary, weak, foolish, insignificant and despised to do extraordinary things if we allow Him to. Pastor John Koe shares through testimonies of people on how God releases its power when we go and share the gospel. The Kingdom of God is like yeast and mustard seed. With the little we know or have, God will empower it when we are willing.

  • Being A Gospel-preaching, Soul-winning Church

    27 Apr 2019Pastor John Koe
    For us who have received salvation through Jesus Christ, we have a debt of love to repay, through preaching of the Gospel. Pastor John Koe examines the life of Jesus and highlights how the preaching of the Gospel is the one mission for His disciples, and the one mission for us as His disciples.
    Being A Gospel-preaching, Soul-winning Church
    27 Apr 2019Pastor John Koe

    For us who have received salvation through Jesus Christ, we have a debt of love to repay, through preaching of the Gospel. Pastor John Koe examines the life of Jesus and highlights how the preaching of the Gospel is the one mission for His disciples, and the one mission for us as His disciples.

  • Why Is Good Friday Good

    20 Apr 2019Pastor John Koe
    Good Friday is a love story; of the Creator God reaching out to save fallen Man. Pastor John Koe opens up the Word to show how good Good Friday is, where Jesus suffered death for our redemption in eternity and all areas of our lives. And how Good Friday gets even better with Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday.
    Why Is Good Friday Good
    20 Apr 2019Pastor John Koe

    Good Friday is a love story; of the Creator God reaching out to save fallen Man. Pastor John Koe opens up the Word to show how good Good Friday is, where Jesus suffered death for our redemption in eternity and all areas of our lives. And how Good Friday gets even better with Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday.

  • What Did Jesus See

    13 Apr 2019Pastor Alan Tay
    The days just before the Passover was the culmination of Jesus' ministry on Earth and was marked by His triumphant entry into Jerusalem amidst the celebrations. Pastor Alan Tay contrasts subsequent events in Mark 11 with this mood of celebration to teach us how to examine our lives to make sure that form does not take precedence over substance.
    What Did Jesus See
    13 Apr 2019Pastor Alan Tay

    The days just before the Passover was the culmination of Jesus' ministry on Earth and was marked by His triumphant entry into Jerusalem amidst the celebrations. Pastor Alan Tay contrasts subsequent events in Mark 11 with this mood of celebration to teach us how to examine our lives to make sure that form does not take precedence over substance.

  • A Life Given To The Gospel

    6 Apr 2019Pastor John Koe
    The gospel is simply glorious, yet also gloriously simple. Are we secret agents or ambassadors for Christ? Pastor John Koe challenges us through expounding the life of Apostle Paul that there is no convenient time to preach the gospel. Apostle Paul knew his debt to our Saviour and was willing to pay the price by committing his life to preach the gospel. Do we?
    A Life Given To The Gospel
    6 Apr 2019Pastor John Koe

    The gospel is simply glorious, yet also gloriously simple. Are we secret agents or ambassadors for Christ? Pastor John Koe challenges us through expounding the life of Apostle Paul that there is no convenient time to preach the gospel. Apostle Paul knew his debt to our Saviour and was willing to pay the price by committing his life to preach the gospel. Do we?

  • Follow Me

    30 Mar 2019Pastor Henson Lim
    Followers or Disciples, what is the difference? Using a portion out of his new book, The Alignment Check, Pastor Henson Lim from Archippus Awakening uses Jesus’ calling of the fisherman to show us how God realigns everything we offer to Him to turn believers into disciples and followers.
    Follow Me
    30 Mar 2019Pastor Henson Lim

    Followers or Disciples, what is the difference? Using a portion out of his new book, The Alignment Check, Pastor Henson Lim from Archippus Awakening uses Jesus’ calling of the fisherman to show us how God realigns everything we offer to Him to turn believers into disciples and followers.

  • Every Believer A Soul Winner

    23 Mar 2019Pastor John Koe
    Every believer is an ambassador of Jesus Christ. And every believer is called to win souls for the Kingdom. Pastor John Koe brings a timely message on evangelism, on how a life sensitive and yielded to the Holy Spirit brings about the boldness and power to preach the Gospel.
    Every Believer A Soul Winner
    23 Mar 2019Pastor John Koe

    Every believer is an ambassador of Jesus Christ. And every believer is called to win souls for the Kingdom. Pastor John Koe brings a timely message on evangelism, on how a life sensitive and yielded to the Holy Spirit brings about the boldness and power to preach the Gospel.

  • The Motivations For Winning Souls

    16 Mar 2019Pastor John Koe
    What drives our lives? What are the inner motivations that lead us in the everyday? Through the life of Paul, Pastor John Koe reminds us that the greatest way to please God is through the mission of soul winning, and cajoles us to make it the one thing that guides our everyday.
    The Motivations For Winning Souls
    16 Mar 2019Pastor John Koe

    What drives our lives? What are the inner motivations that lead us in the everyday? Through the life of Paul, Pastor John Koe reminds us that the greatest way to please God is through the mission of soul winning, and cajoles us to make it the one thing that guides our everyday.

  • Being A Contagious Christian

    2 Mar 2019Pastor Alan Tay
    Matthew 5:13-16 states that we are the salt and light of the world. As Christians, we should influence invisibility through our moral conduct and visibly through our moral principles while we live in the world of darkness and compromises. Are we salt that is a highly stable compound or are we adulterated salt that has compromised? Pastor Alan Tay shares with us the importance of weeding out contamination and how to effect change with our influence.
    Being A Contagious Christian
    2 Mar 2019Pastor Alan Tay

    Matthew 5:13-16 states that we are the salt and light of the world. As Christians, we should influence invisibility through our moral conduct and visibly through our moral principles while we live in the world of darkness and compromises. Are we salt that is a highly stable compound or are we adulterated salt that has compromised? Pastor Alan Tay shares with us the importance of weeding out contamination and how to effect change with our influence.

  • The Irrefutable Faith

    23 Feb 2019Pastor Alan Tay
    Pastor Alan Tay continues on a two-part series on evangelism, encouraging everyone to be prepared at all times to share the Gospel. Witnessing through the power of the Holy Spirit, living authentic lives and getting to know Jesus right – these are ways to demonstrate the irrefutable faith we hold dear.
    The Irrefutable Faith
    23 Feb 2019Pastor Alan Tay

    Pastor Alan Tay continues on a two-part series on evangelism, encouraging everyone to be prepared at all times to share the Gospel. Witnessing through the power of the Holy Spirit, living authentic lives and getting to know Jesus right – these are ways to demonstrate the irrefutable faith we hold dear.

  • The Predicament Of Faith

    16 Feb 2019Rev. Jeffrey Tay
    What is faith? And are we living it as what the Bible says? Reverend Jeffrey Tay brings a message of self-examination, and an examination of faith Jesus talks about in the Gospels. He urges all to step out in faith into what God has destined for us.
    The Predicament Of Faith
    16 Feb 2019Rev. Jeffrey Tay

    What is faith? And are we living it as what the Bible says? Reverend Jeffrey Tay brings a message of self-examination, and an examination of faith Jesus talks about in the Gospels. He urges all to step out in faith into what God has destined for us.

  • Soul Food For True Prosperity

    9 Feb 2019Pastor John Koe
    Prosperous lives start with the soul, from the knowledge of God that we have been bought and paid for to access the Kingdom riches. In this CNY message, Pastor John reminds us to feed on soul food - God's Word and His Promises.
    Soul Food For True Prosperity
    9 Feb 2019Pastor John Koe

    Prosperous lives start with the soul, from the knowledge of God that we have been bought and paid for to access the Kingdom riches. In this CNY message, Pastor John reminds us to feed on soul food - God's Word and His Promises.

  • Seeding For Harvest And Breakthrough Pt.2

    2 Feb 2019Pastor John Koe
    In this part 2 of Seeding for Harvest and Breakthrough,  Pastor John Koe shares with us how to work God’s efficacious words (seeds) to remove the weeds so that we are fruitful and live our lives to the fullness of what God wants us to have.
    Seeding For Harvest And Breakthrough Pt.2
    2 Feb 2019Pastor John Koe

    In this part 2 of Seeding for Harvest and Breakthrough,  Pastor John Koe shares with us how to work God’s efficacious words (seeds) to remove the weeds so that we are fruitful and live our lives to the fullness of what God wants us to have.

  • Living The Irresistible Life pt.1

    26 Jan 2019Pastor Alan Tay
    Pastor Alan Tay delivers his inaugural sermon, bringing a deep personal message of witnessing through authenticity and displaying the power of the Gospel (1 Thess 1:5). Drawing on testimonies of encounters, he speaks about how the Gospel is shared not just in words, but also through the power of the Holy Spirit.
    Living The Irresistible Life pt.1
    26 Jan 2019Pastor Alan Tay

    Pastor Alan Tay delivers his inaugural sermon, bringing a deep personal message of witnessing through authenticity and displaying the power of the Gospel (1 Thess 1:5). Drawing on testimonies of encounters, he speaks about how the Gospel is shared not just in words, but also through the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Seeding For Harvest And Breakthrough

    19 Jan 2019Pastor John Koe
    We are living in the time of harvest. Are we strategic and intentional in our seeding? The Holy Spirit work with the word we sow into the lives of people. We reap what we sow consciously or unconsciously. Pastor John Koe expounds on the law of seedtime and harvest, and the ways to clear the land of bad harvest so that we have a fresh start in planting.
    Seeding For Harvest And Breakthrough
    19 Jan 2019Pastor John Koe

    We are living in the time of harvest. Are we strategic and intentional in our seeding? The Holy Spirit work with the word we sow into the lives of people. We reap what we sow consciously or unconsciously. Pastor John Koe expounds on the law of seedtime and harvest, and the ways to clear the land of bad harvest so that we have a fresh start in planting.

  • Supernatural Provision

    12 Jan 2019Pastor John Koe
    We learned about a loving Father, who cares for the mundane details in our lives, when we saw how Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding. Our Jehovah Jireh's lavish love for us is further demonstrated by His provision of the seed meant for sowing. Pastor John Koe teaches us from 2 Cor 9:8-10 that in a tumultuous economic climate, we should continue with our sowing because we must first sow in order to reap a supernatural harvest.
    Supernatural Provision
    12 Jan 2019Pastor John Koe

    We learned about a loving Father, who cares for the mundane details in our lives, when we saw how Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding. Our Jehovah Jireh's lavish love for us is further demonstrated by His provision of the seed meant for sowing. Pastor John Koe teaches us from 2 Cor 9:8-10 that in a tumultuous economic climate, we should continue with our sowing because we must first sow in order to reap a supernatural harvest.
