Passover 2023

3_Passover Seder


7 Apr 2023


Passover is one of the seven feasts ordained by God in Leviticus 23. These feasts serve as annual reminders for the Israelites to remember what God has done for them. Passover is celebrated with a special meal called a “Seder” in Hebrew. When Jesus and his disciples had the “Last Supper”, they were actually celebrating Passover (Luke 22). It is filled with various elements that remind the Jewish people of how God saved them from slavery in Egypt and translates to how he also delivers us from slavery to sin.

Join us as we celebrate this feast together! Journey through the Old and New testament and experience a literal taste of God’s love through the Passover.

Non-Petra members are very welcome!

Date: 7 April 2023 (Fri)
Time: 7PM-9.30PM
Venue: YMCA, 1 Orchard Road, Singapore 238824, Tan Chin Tuan Room (Level 4)
Fee (inclusive of a bento dinner): $20 for Petrans, $40 for the general public.
Register here
Registration closes 31 Mar 2023.

Free admission to children below 12 years old who do not require bento dinner.

Payment can be made via PayNow to One New Man Asia Pte Ltd, UEN 200710239G with the reference Passover2023 E.g. Passover2023 86116325.

Dinner will be served at 8PM, parents of young children are advised to prepare a light snack for them.

Should you have any enquiries, kindly write to or text 8611 6325 during office hours.

Event is jointly organised by One New Man Asia and Petra Community.

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