God blessed us tremendously through Ian Andrews, as He taught us about His heart towards us as expressed through physical healing. Many people received their healing miracles through the two services held — but best of all, many people saw God working healing miracles through their hands for the first time!
During the Sunday service on the 14th of September, Ian Andrews shared many testimonies of healing miracles that God worked through children, and then spoke about having childlike faith in praying for the sick. All the children in Kidz on the Rock were activated to pray for the sick – a heartwarming sight to behold! Check out the sermon in the Petra Shop here.
The next weekend, Ian Andrews spoke briefly at the Elderly Fellowship (Chinese) about the different kinds of faith, and how the presence and person of Jesus Christ inspired faith in many to be healed. He and the healing team then ministered to the members of the congregation. Backs were straightened, legs grew out, knees and joints were strengthened, and eyes and ears were opened – God is GOOD!
Finally, at Sunday service, he shared his own journey of learning about praying for the sick and raising the dead, and how God taught him about being poor in spirit. This sermon can also be found in the Petra store.