Are you one way at work, another way at home, and a different way at church? God has called us to live a life that is authentic and real, not hiding the reality of his presence from others. We are called to let the supernatural things of God manifest through us in everyday life. As we learn to manifest Christ in everyday life, the Kingdom begins to come, which is the very presence of God. That’s the goal, to have the presence of God in our businesses and lives. In His presence, business increases, lives are touched, and heaven’s atmosphere comes. That’s where we will be bringing people in this “God in the marketplace” seminar.
Keith Ferrante is a third generational pastor who now travels internationally speaking in churches, conferences, ministry schools, and other venues. Keith carries a message of freedom for the body of Christ helping the church move into a Kingdom culture. He is a prophetic voice who carries a breaker anointing to open up the heavens and brings timely corporate and personal prophetic words and life transforming teaching. Keith is passionate to see the fullness of heavens atmosphere here on earth and brings people into heavenly encounters through encounter worship, impartation and signs and wonders. Keith is highly recommended by several revival ministers, including Kris Vallotton, Graham Cooke, David Crone, Dan McCollam and others.