Day of Atonement



Oct 4 2014


The 3rd Space
18 Cross Street, #B1-05
China Square Central
Singapore 048423

In the book of Leviticus (25:8-10), God commanded Israel to observe the Day of Atonement (or ‘Yom Kippur’), when the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies to make atonement, or confession and sacrifice, for the sins of the nation. God instructed that on Yom Kippur of each 49th year, Israel was to consecrate themselves as a nation to the Lord, to prepare for Jubilee.

As Christians we can celebrate Yom Kippur (and the Feast of Tabernacles, which follows Yom Kippur) because Jesus is our perfect atonement (1 John 2:2)! Moreover, this 4 October 2014 is highly significant for Singapore as it is our 49th year and we are preparing for our Jubilee! Let’s come together to worship and pray for our nation, and learn more about the significance of this important Jewish holy day.

Pastor Gilbert Carthigasu, the founder of One New Man Asia, will be speaking at this event. He was introduced to the Hebraic Roots of Christianity in 1999 through a Passover Seder conducted by Rev Joel Baker. Since then, he has grown in love for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. To better equip himself, Pastor Gilbert attended the school of Jewish studies conducted by YWAM in Richmond, Virginia. Today, he speaks regularly at churches and conferences to help Christians in Asia better understand our Hebraic roots, develop a love for the nation of Israel, and pray for the Jewish people.

As light refreshments will be served before the event, kindly register your interest by emailing

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