The first of our 2022 Crossroads series is here!
Over 2 weekends in May 2022, guest speakers will be sharing their life stories in our English and Chinese services.
Be encouraged and inspired as you listen to real-life testimonies of the transformative power of God’s love.
14 May Guest Speaker: Melvin Lim
CEO and co-founder of PropertyLim Brothers, Melvin did not have it all smooth and rosy when he first entered the property industry as a greenhorn. What (or who) gave him the insights and courage to make the right decisions for today’s success?
21 May Guest Speaker: Ong Bee Yan
A model at 65, a grandmother of two, and founder of artisanal coffee brand 1degreeC – who is Bee Yan beneath her thriving post-retirement lifestyle and hip activities?
Please note that Bee Yan’s message will not be recorded for our YouTube content.
No registration is required for our 2022 Crossroads series – public walk-ins are welcome. Come join us!