The Lord Jesus Christ
Is the one and only Son of God Was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the virgin, Mary Is fully God and fully man Demonstrated the authority and power of God in word and deed Led a perfect, sinless life Died on the cross to take away the sin of mankind, once for all Defeated death when He was bodily resurrected on the third day after His crucifixion Is coming again, upon which believers will receive a perfect, incorruptible body Purchased divine health and healing at the cross for both body and soul
Eternal life and salvation are received as a free gift by any person who believes and trusts the redemptive work of Jesus and turns his heart from sin. Those who do not receive it will go to hell, a place of eternal torment.
His Holy Spirit lives in believers, guiding and empowering them for godly living and the same supernatural deeds Jesus and His followers performed in the Bible. In fact, Jesus said His believers would do greater works.
Today, the Holy Spirit continues to speak to His Church as a loving Father who draws near to reveal His heart and specific will.
His Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures. They are totally trustworthy, faultless and authoritative. When interpreted by His Holy Spirit, they speak not as mere words on a page, but as life-giving messages that guide, convict, comfort, teach and reveal.
His bride, the Church, consists of all believers, regardless of denominational affiliation.
He commands believers to be baptized in water.
He commands believers to partake of the Lord’s Supper, also known as Holy Communion.
He institutes civil authority. His Church is to honour it where honour is due.
He longs for those outside His Church to know Him, and wills for believers to carry the good news of His salvation to them.